Personal Development- To be successful stop these 11 overlooked Acts of yours

Personal development is very important in one’s life, as an individual that aims to make it or become something in life, self development should be your number target as you advance.


No matter how you are taught in school, if you don’t have self development and train yourself towards it you cannot learn or assimilate what you learn.

It is no doubt that majority of the spoiled youth in the straight today are youths with good training, by parents but because of negative personal development they disregard the instructions of their parents and follow peers.

Most of us dream to make it in life, living happy. It is true that there must be good moments and bad moment as part of what makes up life, but you have the choice to regulate the level of good moment to the bad moment vice versa.

When you give stop doing these bad things that we are about to list for you, then you will experience changes in your life and otherwise.

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Here are some of the things you should stop doing to yourself

Always face your problems (Never run away from your problems).

The problems you face in life add to your success and make you have experience of life. Face your problems yourself and never run away from them. As a human, problems must come our ways but how we hand them matters, these problems will make us sad, hurt us, even at a point in time, it seems as if the world is falling on you. Facing your problems does not mean you are to do it alone, you can consult others to assist your from their you learn and become successful.

Don’t feel your thinking with NEGATIVE thoughts (be positive always)

Bad thoughts corrupt good thoughts. You cannot serve two masters at the same time, is either you are here or there. Feeling your mind with negative thoughts will not only hinder you in life, but will make you not to try anything in life because the negative minds will always surface itself. Words like “I cannot do this, will this work, I will lose it, I cannot make it, I cannot make it as he did”.

Spending good quality times with friends that won’t add value to your life (Stop bad friends)

In life, there must be good and bad friends both at any point in time. According to a saying “Show me your friends and I will tell you who are”. The friends you keep will make or mere you. So you have to choose wisely on the friends you keep around you. What will you expect if you keep a friend that has no positive motion in life, all you talk about is ladies or men?  You will end up messing your life up or friends that always encourage you to try any new idea, educationally or otherwise, you see that you will grow higher.

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Holding onto the past event- Leave the past to be the past

A successful individual should not hold the past events, once an event has happen close it and move on with your life. Holding onto the past can hinder you from achieving your goals.

Be truthful to yourself (Stop lying to yourself)

Being truthful to once self will help you move far in life. If you cannot do something, admit that you cannot do it and seek to learn how to do it, being truthful to yourself will help you grow fast as you will be challenged to learn and improve in life and otherwise.

Be yourself and not someone else- (Don’t be somebody)

Being someone else can lead you into something you are not meant to be. You can have one you look up to, but don’t be like the person. Be yourself, what you have the person does not have it. We all blessed with a unique and outstanding trait in different ways, the person you want to be like has made good use of his/her unique character, so use yours

Don’t be carried away by too much love

One thing that can way you down is the one thing you love and care for is lost. Too much love on one thing is not good. Emerging that you invest 80% in a business and at a stage you loss everything it will way you down.

Never be afraid to make a mistake.

Making mistake is not that you cannot do it or you are not productive. Once you make a mistake, to be successful, you have to learn from it. In every success, there is a trace of failure and once you make mistake/fail, see it as an avenue to success. Once you are afraid to mistake, you are bound to remain in one place and not to try a new thing.

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Don’t rely 100% on others to be happy or successful.

If you are not satisfied with what you have or the level at which you are now, you won’t be happy. At very point in time you find yourself be happy. Build a self confidence to be happy.

 Don’t always show that you are week (feeling sorry for yourself).

Never let your weakness show often. Let everyone know that today you are actually stronger than you were yesterday, take up challenges.

Don’t forget to pray and forgive

Prayer solves all things, always pray to God for help and assistance. Also learn to forgive others, so that you will be free and your heart will be at rest.

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