NYSCJobs Portal: How to register and Login to the NYSC Job Portal 2018–www.nyscjobs.org

How to register and login to NYSC JOB PORTAL- The NYSC has launched NYSC Jobs portal for all interest and qualified National Youth Service Corps member in the country. This post gives you a detail steps on how you will successfully register for the NYSC Job Portal, login to the portal and complete your application. READ ON…..

How to register

Kindly follow the steps below

  • Click on www.nyscjobs.org
  • Click on “Register
  • Fill in your name, phone number a valid email address and password
  • Go to your email and click on the activation link sent to you.
  • After activation, you will receive a second email showing your login details. Ensure you keep these details safe as you would need them to apply for more vacancies on the e-Recruiter platform.
  • Login with the details sent to you and proceed to completely fill out the forms that will appear
  • When you login, a page is displayed and you are required to enter your personal details. At the completion of this page, click on the “Update” button at the bottom of the screen. Ensure you click the update bottom after every stage.
  • Next, click on Additional Information. Fill in your details. Ensure that you upload your NYSC video CV URL. NB: You can also use the buttons ‘Previous and ‘Next’ to navigate through the portal pages.
  • Click on the Passport tab and Upload a passport that meets up to the size indicated at the top, the passport should be a recent passport.
  • Click on “Educational Qualification”. Click on “Add Qualification”, fill in correctly the appropriate details. ONLY Nigerian Institutions are listed while foreign Institutions are to be typed in.
  • Click on the “Employment History” tab. Fill in your details and Update it.
  • Click on the “Certifications” tab and Click on “Add certification” and proceed to fill in the appropriate details.
  • Finally, click on the “Documents” tab. On the Documents box, select the document to be uploaded and upload it. NB: Ensure the documents meet up to the requirements stated at the top of the screen.
  • Once all these are done, you have created a profile on NYSCJobs. You shall use this profile to apply for any vacancies available on the Portal. You can update your information at any time.


How to apply for a job vacancy on the NYSC JOBS PORTAL

  1. To apply for a job vacancy, click on the “Vacancies” tab at the top of your screen
  2. On the list of vacancies, click on the “View/Apply” link besides the vacancy you wish to apply for.
  3. Brief description of the job is displayed, then Click on the “Apply Now”.
  4. A confirmation email will be sent to you

Note- Only suitably qualified candidates would be contacted.” You will also receive an email confirmation in your email account.

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