NPower Restructures 2017 N-Teach Assessment Test Questions – Tips to Know

No doubt that sparkgist has been your last point for all NPower related updates, current and trending news, because we have promised to in all times bring all important NPower news to your finger tips. Ensure you read through this article to the last word; not to miss out on any of the information.

Click Here for: N-Teach Competency Skill Test and Stem Test Questions and Answer

Click Here for: Secret on How to Write Your N-Teach Test

Note: N-Teach applicant, please log in with your BVN and phone number to see when you are scheduled to write your own assessment test.

When you gain access to login the N-Teach test portal, don’t be worried if you cannot write your test immediately, as the test is been written in batches.

The online assessment test for N-Teach has begun and the former test pattern of questions has been changed and modified. More questions have been added; usually you would have been expected to answer 11 questions in not more than 20 minutes.

The N-Teach test has been structured into:

N-Teach Assessment Test

The question for the N-Teach applicants comprises of eleven (11) different questions from English and current affairs with only 20minutes to take your test


N-Power Device Selection:

This is where you will be asked to select a device of your choice (mobile tablets) for the programme. The devices include Samsung etc


N-Power Skill and Experience Evaluation Test

It is also called N-Teach Stem Assessment Test: this is for all N-Teach applicants who selected some competency skills during the online registration. Skills like Database, programming, Networking Relating Skills, Animation, Graphic, CGI Related Skills, be prepared to take a second test known as STEM test.


Also, if you are told that your BVN validation is in progress when you login the test portal, do not panic we advise you to check back by Friday August, 11, 2017.

For some, you won’t be able to log in or the test portal will display *INVALID LOGIN* this is due to your BVN records does not match your application and your journey has come to an end.

To start your test click

39 thoughts on “NPower Restructures 2017 N-Teach Assessment Test Questions – Tips to Know”

  1. Plz want’s wrong? As i logged in with my phone no. and BVN to check for my exams date under nteach, i got invalid log in as response.

    1. Comment * I check my n-teach i saw invalid bvn since my first name start with S and my surname start with M what i cant do

    1. It is based on what you selected during registration.if you selected more than one skill competency you have to answer the two categories that is displayed on your dashboard based on what you selected note that

  2. can you take the programming and animation if you did not choose it during registration?
    or is there any implications if you didnt choose it during registration but you took the text?

    1. If you did not choose it during registration you will not write it because it will not display on your dashboard and has nothing to hinder your chance of been employed, but note if it comes up on your dashboard but you did not choose it during registration, please do well to write it.

  3. olaitan omolayo

    I olaitan omolayo log in with my phone no & bvn no but the reply is bvn validation is in progress check back later. Please help me out.

  4. Pls, I didn’t choose any skil during registration because I had not gotten any as at the time i registered ;but I later enrolled on computer training & have even gotten a certificate. So, what should I do?

  5. Plz sir i learnt those that registered after 13th of July are to write their test from the 17th of August. But when i logged in, i was asked to start the test, can i go on or should wait till the stipulated date?
    secondly, concerning the test and device selection. Am i supposed to submit the test first before proceeding to device selection?

    1. Question 1: If you where able to login please start your test immediately
      Question 2: Any way you can choose to answer the question first or select device first before the quiz

  6. Muktari Tsoho Kamba

    I Muktari Tsoho Kamba, Log In With My Phone But The Reply Is Bvn Validation Ongoing,then What Is My Problem Please Help Me Out.

  7. I didn’t selected competency during my registration but appeared on my dashboard.will it affect me if I didn’t performed well on it?

  8. I’ve done my test, but it was only 11 questions I saw & did. But I didn’t do the stem/other skills test which I didn’t select when applying. so, only d 11 I did. Hope no problem?

  9. Cyprian Martins

    An instruction prompt out that Invalid BVN at first it was BVN validation ongoing, pls what do i need to do.

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