Npower Release New Method to Resolve Long Npower Stipends/Salary Payment issues and Get Paid 2020

Npower Monthly Payments Issues 2020 : How to Solve your Npower payment Issues  and get paid  –   Are you an Npower Teach, Npower Agro, Npower Health, Npower Knowledge, Npower Software, Npower Hardware, Npower build, Npower Tech and N-Tax beneficiaries and you have not received your Npower monthly payment 2020?

Have you been having issues with your npower monthly payment? Have not received your Npower stipends/salary for a long time now? Do you have problem of npower monthly salary payment?

Have you not been paid your Npower Monthly payment for the month of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December 2020

New Method of Resolving Your Npower Backlog Payment issues and get paid immediately


Are you an Npower beneficiary of batch A or Batch B  and having issues of payment or npower backlogs for months now? Then, this post is for you.

This post contains steps given by npower official on how to resolve all your npower monthly salary/stipend payment issues 2020

How to Solve Your  Npower Monthly Salary/Stipend Payment Issues 2020

According to Npower officials,  If you are yet to be paid your March & April stipends, follow the instructions listed carefully.

  1. Send ONE email to
  2. Title of  the email – Example: “Unpaid March and April stipends”
  3. Email should include;
    a. State of Residence
    b. Name
    c. PPA
    d. NPVN no

Please follow the above instructions will sending the message to Npower and do not add any other information aside from the ones contained in this post.

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