Npower 2017 Applicants Update- Final Shortlist/Selection , Posting and Payment of candidates 2018

Npower Selection, posting and payment of applicants- Dear 2017 Npower successfully verified applicants, do not think that you have been forgotten. NO, all activities were put on hold because of the holidays (Christmas and New Year Celebrations), hopefully you will get the information we all are waiting for soon.

As stated by Blower officials on one of their social media “twitter”, the next stages for the 2017 pre-selected applicants which is SELECTION and DELPOYMENT (posting) will be shared. Until it is shared, pre-selected candidates are expected to wait patiently.

We have received numerous positive feedbacks from our readers; we are happy and promise to always keep you updated with all vital Npower related information that would benefit you.

It is off your interest to now that the Npower physical Verification has come to an end /concluded, According to Npower, it was just an exercise to confirm your application status and documents are correct and meet the eligibility of the program. If you were selected for the physical verification and also the fact that you have done your physical Verification or have been verified does not guarantee that you have been finally selected.

In line with this, a final list would be released also known as the Final Shortlist Or SELECTION AND DEPLOYMENT (POSTING OF APPLICANTS TO THEIR PPA) ( you can read more about it here ). As soon as your name makes it to this list and it has been fully published, you would be deployed and posted to your Primary Place of Assignment PPA, this qualifies you for the monthly stipend of thirty thousand naira (30,000) and also your Npower device.

For all applicants who did their physical verification but failed to select a device during the course of the Npower Assessment Test. Do not panic, if you are finally selected there would be room for you to fill and select the device of your choice.
Also you will be expected to fill in your account details so you won’t miss your Monthly stipend payment.

We do hope that when your name comes out in the list, you will do your best to work hard at your PPA. Npower is not a place you come and take free money, so we enjoin you to be diligent and you will succeed.

It is important you know that Spark Gist deliver general information not only Npower Information.

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