Nigeria Prisons Service Recruitment 2018/2019 Screening Exercise Date and NPS Interview Centre

NPS Recruitment 2018 Screening Date and Venue- Nigeria Prisons Screening Date for 2018/2019 recruitment. Check your NPS application status for the Screening Exam Aptitude Test are all listed in this post. We are glad to inform the general public and all NPS 2018 applicants that the Nigeria Prisons Recruitment  Screening Date, Aptitude Test, Screening Exam Centres and Medical Examination for the 2018/2019 Recruitment exercise is available.


All candidates should go through the below update for guide lines on how to check screening date, Aptitude.

This post will also guide you with all necessary information you need to come along with to the NPS 2018 Recruitment aptitude test. The Nigeria Prisons Recruitment Screening Date, Aptitude Test, Centres and Medical Exams 2018/2019.

The Nigeria Prisons Service Recruitment is in Four 4 different Phases or stages as listed below:

ONLINE APPLICATION: The First Phase of NPS Recruitment is the Online Application, this involves the Online Registration on the NPS Portal by suitably qualified members of the public.

SCREENING, DOCUMENTATION REVIEW AND APPLICATION STATUS: The Second Phase of Nigeria Prisons Recruitment is Screening, Documentation Review and Application Status, this process involves reviewing and screening of your application and documents by NPS officials  and Checking of your Application Status to know if you are shortlisted.

APTITUDE TEST SCREENING:  THE Third Phase of Nigeria Prisons Service Recruitment is Aptitude Test Screening, Qualified applicants from body selection undergo a general aptitude test. The date for this Phase is not yet announced, it will be after the previous phase is completed.

MEDICALS SCREENING: The Fourth Phase of Nigeria Prison Recruitment , Applicants who pass the aptitude test are invited to do their medical examinations. The Date for this phase will be released after completion of the previous phase. After the successful completion of the Medical Screening, Congratulation you have made it to Nigeria Prisons Service Recruitment.

Documents needed for the NPS aptitude test exercise 2018

  • The Original copies and photocopies of Educational Certificates (FSLC, SSCE/GCE/NABTEB/NECO Result)
  • First Degree Certificate
  • Original copies and photocopies of Birth Certificate/Declaration of Age
  • The Original copies and photocopies of Duly Completed Guarantor’s Form;
  • Original copies and photocopies of State of Origin Certificate (LGA Certificate)
  • Passport Photograph

How to check your 2018 NPS Screening exercise Date and interview venue

Click the links  or to check for your name


67 thoughts on “Nigeria Prisons Service Recruitment 2018/2019 Screening Exercise Date and NPS Interview Centre”

    1. If the site is shut down then you can’t print any form again.. Just wait for the shortlist or find someone who printed his or her guarantor form then edit yours

    1. The date for the examination has not been released yet but we promise to update you immediately the date is out….

  1. Adeniyi Olaiya Daniel

    I was unable to submit the form online, I’ve passed all the preliminary stages while filling the form online, but when I got where to upload credentials, i uploaded all except medical fitness report, which delayed me, as I was ensuring to get the medical report so that I can upload with it the form crossed online. So I don’t have guarantor’s form and my own copy. What will i do?

    1. Your online form was not submitted so i doubt if you can print out any guarantor’s form because the site is closed

    1. The screening will be out soon. Keep visiting the site and subscribe for free with your email for updates

    1. We’ll definitely keep you updated on NPS inforemation. Do visit this site regularly for continuous updates

  2. ekemezie divine

    pis sir I want to in form me when the start shortin names for screening because am from IMO state but I base in Enugu am divine by name

  3. ekemezie divine

    pls sir I want u to inform me in time when ever the start shortlistin names out for prisons screening


  5. Please Nps shortlisted for 2018 is out now ?because many site that never do the shortlisted in cases is out informed me if I am among the shortlisted

  6. please i mistakely misplaced my original registration form and the cyber cafe where i registered did not give me any guarantor’s form… so can would i be able to get another form that shows i registered and a guarantor’s form?

  7. Sum Say They Have Started Training.Sir,Hw Tru It Is? Sir,if Training Is Six Month Then When Is d Shortlisted Names Going To Be Out? God Bles U.Pls Update Wen Shortlisted.

  8. What a country we are………..why all this delayed for the screening exercise?more than 6th months now.I just pray our leaders should please do something fast.God bless them all as they do IJN Amen

  9. As it is now,I know how the CGP is busy with the present situation of the country.I just implore him to please do something coz, the delay is getting too much.More than 6th months now…….God bless you as you do that sir

  10. oluwasegun Emmanuel

    pls and pls.notify me when the shortlisted name and the date for prescreening of Nigeria prison service out 2018/2019 recruitment. my phone no:08064426107.ema:.thank.l really appreciate word of your courage.

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