JAMB CAPS Admission Transfer Approval Portal 2023/2024 –JAMB New Update

The 2023 JAMB CAPS Update 2023/2024 for all candidates, how to access it, what the Transfer Approval Portal is all about and why you should check your admission JAMB CAPS Transfer Approval Portal 2023/2024 –  JAMB  has added a new update on the Jamb Central Admissions Processing System (CAPS) portal for all prospective students to follow.

JAMB Transfer Approval portal 2023/2024 (JAMB Caps Admission Transfer Approval Portal)

We promised to provide you with all jamb important information and updates, please ensure you share this information to others on different social media

After post UTME screening exercise, candidates are advised to check their caps to accept or reject their offer of admission in their JAMB CAPS Portal.

See Why you have not being offered admission by jamb and school

Jamb caps portal update 2023/2024 on transfer approval page.

All prospective candidates who have not being offered admission should adhere to this new jamb transfer approval portal for their good and to know their admission progress.

About JAMB Transfer Approval portal (JAMB Caps Admission Transfer Approval Portal)

The transfer approval portal is a new update by JAMB to allow candidates to be offered admission into different course/institution aside from their preferred choice of course or institution, example a candidate choose medicine and surgery but was offered admission in Agricultural Economics and Extension, Faculty of agriculture.

Most candidates have being offered admission but they are not aware of it, because it is showing in their JAMB ADMISSION TRANSFER APPROVAL PAGE

Once you check your admission status on caps and you see NOT ADMITTED YET,  ensure you click on transfer Approval .

How 2023/2024 JAMB CAPS Transfer Approval works

  • Your First Choice Institution want to transfer you from your program / course of preference to another program / course.
  • You are required to either accept or reject, this transfer consideration
  • If you accept, your first choice institution will be able to admit you in the new program.
  • If you reject, you will remain in your prefered Course / Program. The program transfer will not be effected.

How to access JAMB CAPS Transfer Approval Portal 2023/2024

  • Login to your JAMB profile page CLICK HERE
  • Click on “Check Admission Status”
  • Click on “ JAMB CAPS”
  • Click on Transfer Approval”
  • Accept or reject the offer of transfer


2023 transfer approval portal

2023/2024 jamb caps transfer approval

transfer approval portal 2023

jamb transfer approval portal 2023/2024

2023 jamb caps transfer approval portal

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20 thoughts on “JAMB CAPS Admission Transfer Approval Portal 2023/2024 –JAMB New Update”

    1. Archibong leo

      I was transferred to another course
      And I accepted it
      And when further in doing change of course
      Up till now my caps is still showing not admitted

      What should I do
      Is there still hope?

      1. If admission is still ongoing in the institution you applied for yes, but if admission has ended, it won’t come out

  1. Pls how long does it take to be given admission on this transfer approval I have accepted the new course given to me but it is still showing not admitted I am getting so scared rn

    1. If you have accepted your admission in transfer approval portal, it might take couple of days to reflect in your admission status page. Kindly exercise a little patience.

      Congratulations in advance from Team Spark Gist

    1. Ignoring your admission means you have not been recognized by jamb and you cannot print your jamb admission letter which is been sent to NYSC to verification during nysc mobilization and clearance (i.e no service for you)

      Secondly you might not gain admission from your institution.

      Rejecting means you don’t like the course you were offered admission into.

    1. Login to your Caps and click on profile then click on refresh at the bottom of the page, also click on admission status and also olevel and always click on refresh

  2. Pls sir after accepting the transfer approval I went ahead to do change of course to that given course hope I’ve taken the right step

    1. Does transfer approval guarantee admission??
      And changing course immediately after accept the transfer can it deley the admission process??

  3. Please, I received change of course e-mail but when I went to my Jamb CAPS to confirm or reject, I noticed that the confirm or reject button is not showing green or red on the confirm or reject button, and since then I’m unable to confirm or reject even as I’m typing now; please what do I do?

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