IPPIS Verification Exercise and procedure 2023-2024 for MDA’S in Federal Civil Service

IPPIS Verification Exercise 2023/2024- The Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System IPPIS 2023 Verification Exercise is on-going across the country. Those concerned have been advised to go online and verify/update their record.

The online verification for Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and the registration portal will be controlled by the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System (IPPIS).

Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) concern for Federal Government online verification are as follows

  • Office of the Surveyor-General of the Federation
  • Federal Ministry of Science and Technology
  • Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
  • Federal Ministry of Information;
  • Federal Ministry of Environment;
  • Federal Ministry of Justice;
  • Federal Ministry of Trade and Investments; and
  • Bureau of Public Procurement
  • Federal Ministry of Education
  • Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
  • Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing
  • Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity etc

REQUIREMENT FOR IPPIS VERIFICATION EXERCISE 2023/2024and step to steps guides to follow:

  • IPPIS number
  • Registration token
  • MDA forward details of their AS IS Nominal Roll, Role Players and Organizational Structure (i.e., list of Departments, Divisions, Sections and Units) must be forward to dippis@ohcsf.gov.ng and dict@ohcsf.gov.ng
  • MDAs Structures are processed and uploaded onto the portal by the System Admin in the OHCSF to enable employees of the MDAs to select their Department, Divisions, Sections and Units as appropriate while updating their details on the Data Collection Portal.
  • MDAs to notify all documented employees to update their details within a two weeks window
  • Director HR in MDA generates Nominal Roll based on newly captured employee records for authentication and approval by Accounting Officer, at the end of portal update.
  • MDA presents authenticated Nominal Roll during physical verification exercise

How to successfully register for 2023/2024 IPPIS Verification Exercise

  1. Enter your “IPPIS number”
  2. Enter your registration token (If you are finding it hard to generate token, meet your Human Resource (HR) to direct you.
  3. Then login to access your portal via  www.verification.ippis.gov.ng

Verification procedures for IPPIS Verification Exercise 2023/2024

Follow the instructions beneath for a successful MDA verification as directed by Federal Civil Service Commission.

  • A login page appears on the screen with provision for Employee IPPIS Number, Login Token and CAPTCHA Text entries. Below these, is a Token generation box for an employee to first generate login token before he/she attempts a login
  • Employee Clicks on Generate Your Token located in the lower part of the login page, if he or she is first timer on the portal. He enters IPPIS number, Mobile phone number and email addresses if it does exist, and click Generate.
  • Employee receives copies of token as SMS on phone number and as well in the email box supplied
  • Employee returns to the login page, enters IPPIS number, Login token and the Captcha text in their appropriate boxes and clicks on login. A box to select present employee MDA is displayed
  • Employee selects present MDA, and after its acceptance, the first form (Employee Personal Info) is opened as default and have the remaining forms listed on the left hand side of the portal homepage. The employee name associated with the IPPIS number entered is displayed.
  • Employee fills the first form and saves its content by clicking on Update Profile. Employee fills the remaining forms one after the other, and save or update as appropriate. Employee can take a break and resume the filling of the forms at a later time, provided final Confirmation box has not been checked and submitted on either the Summary or Print Slip pages.
  • Employees performs final operation, after every form would have been reviewed and saved, by checking the Confirmation box and clicking on Submit button either on the summary or print slip pages. The summary report page gives an analysis of your data input as a guide.
  • Employee generates and prints Verification Slip (Three copies required)
  • Employee’s Director HR endorses slips for presentation at IPPIS verification center


For more information about IPPIS VERIFICATION EXERCISE, kindly subscribe to this site using your email. Subscription is totally free.

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4 thoughts on “IPPIS Verification Exercise and procedure 2023-2024 for MDA’S in Federal Civil Service”

  1. Boniface Vilret

    #8,000.00 each, have been deducted from my February and March, 2018 salaries. Please kindly make refunds to me.

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