Healthy Relationship Tips – How to Grow from Friends to Life Partner/Marriage

Man and Woman exist for a purpose and one of these purposes is relationship.  Healthy relationships have been shown to increase our happiness, improve health and reduce stress.

This particular vibes, healthy relationships makes existence of man to be exceptional among other living creatures.

Research have shown that every human needs the other to relates. To joyfully relates one would then have the opposite either or woman to relate with. There are keys to healthy relationships, this has dated back to ages and has not changed till date.

5 Healthy Relations hip Secrets

Secret Number One: RESPECT

To have a healthy relationship, the both parties must have respect for each other and their individual personality. This helps to healthy outstanding relationship. A man loves a respectful woman. For  a man, respect is love. Ensure you have respect for  each other.

Secret Number Two: TRUST

Trust is the bed rock upon which a good relationship should start from. It should be the genesis of your relationship even in marriage.  Before you profess your love for your partner, do you have trust and confidence in them? Trust brings about mutual freedom and comfort-ability among the pairs.

Trust gives a relationship meaning.

Its gives rooms for openness, sense of safety and close the room for secrecy in a relationships.

Quote: it’s better to remain single that to be in a relationship with someone you cannot trust or defend

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”A relationship is like two concentric circles that overlap. In a healthy relationship, parts of the two circles overlap but there’s always a part on either side of the circle that does not overlap” – by a relationship expert.

”This is a metaphor for balance between independence and togetherness. It’s important to have closeness but not intrusion and space but not distance. In  a healthy partnerships, couples are able to find this balance.


This is the height of relationship. What is the essence of relationship without joy? Can you make fun of your partner without offense?  A healthy relationship should have a fair dose of fun, laughing and light-heartedness. This is also very important for the human body like wise your healthy relationship

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Secret Number Four: MUTUAL SUPPORT 

The female folks do not follow this healthy relationship tip of mutual supporting of each other. Support in relationship is likened to a backbone for sustainability.

Supporting ones’ financial, social, physical, mental etc like keeps the relationship rolling smoothly. Support in a relationship shouldn’t be one sided, it should be for the both partners.

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Individual involves in relationship should have mutual support , respect, nurture individual ambitions and passions for greatness.

It is highly motivational knowing that your partner support and always wants the best for you and to succeed in all your endeavours and be a good version of yourself.

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