FMARD State Project Internal Auditor (SPIA) Recruitment 2020 – Spark Gist

Apply now for the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) State Project Internal Auditor Recruitment exercise.

The Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) in collaboration with the International Fund for Agriculture development (IFAD) and the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) Is implementing a Livelihood Improvement Family Enterprises Project in the Niger Delta (LIFE-ND).

Saipem Contracting Nigeria Limited Recruitment 2020

Main Responsibilities of the SPIA

  • The State Project Internal Auditor shall ascertain and evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of the financial management and internal control framework; ensure compliance with the IFAD and Federal Government project Financing Agreement, IFAD disbursement procedures, Project Implementation Manual etc. Identify critical weakness if any, and areas for improvement and provide the Project Coordination team at the regional and state levels with timely information and recommendations on financial management aspects of the project to enable timely corrective actions.

Reporting and Location

  • The position will be in the Cross River State Project Coordinating Office in Calabar, Cross River State.
  • NB: The appointment will be for a period of one (1) year in the first instance, renewable subject to satisfactory performs nce acceptable to FGN/IFAD.

Specific Duties

  • Carry out audit in accordance with international standards of auditing including such tests and controls as the auditor considers necessary. The audit will cover implementing partners and the beneficiary level
  • Ensure that the accounting and financial management systems remain reliable and effective in design and assess the extent to which they are being followed. Ascertain the reliability of Integrity. controls, security and effectiveness of the operations of the computerized accounting system
  • Identify constraints, if any, in the timely updating of the accounting system and in adhering to the internal control procedures including the project implementation manual and the financial procedures manual
  • Review the adequacy of the systems established to ensure compliance with policies, plans. procedure laws and regulations and establishing whether the project at the state leval is in fact in compliance. Check and report on compliance with the FAD Financing Agreement covenants.
  • Review the efficacy, adequacy and application of accounting and operating audit controls and thereby ensure the accuracy of the books of accounts; review the accuracy and timeliness of the quarterly financial reports produced by the project and confirm whether these are used by the management for decision making
  • Verify that the system of internal check is effective in design and operation in order to ensure the prevention of and early detection of defalcations, frauds, misappropriations and misapplications.
  • Evaluate the internal control system in operation to ensure effectiveness, efficiency and economy
  • Check the segregation of duties in the project such as (i) authorization and approval (ii) recording (iii) documentation of the following operating costs; maintenance of vehicles/equipment, fueling, motor license/insurance, utilities (water, electricity telephone), office rent and rates, salaries and allowances of project support staff insurance
  • Undertake procurement audits to ensure procedures are done transparently as per procedures/thresholds. Verify that all the goods, works and services procured and issues are supported by valid receipt and documents including IFAD No-objection and that a Register of Contracts and contract monitoring forms are maintained and up to date.
  • Ensure that adequate records are maintained regarding the assets created and assets acquired by the project, including details of costs, identification and location of assets; and that the physical verification of assets is being carried out with due diligence and an annual inventory report is duly Issued. Physical verification of assets and other Inventories would be taken up as deemed necessary by the auditor in respect of all goods.
  • Check that the statement of expenditure (SOE) submitted to IFAD reconcile with the expenditures reported under the quarterly and yearly financial reports. Duly record any ineligible expenditures noted during the review
  • Ensure reconciliation of bank statements and accounts Is regularly carried out on a monthly basis and necessary corrections on accounts of banks/debts and state transactions accounted for concurrently
  • Conducted an independent appraisal of all the project’s activities. Consider the adequacy of controls to ensure economy efficiency and effectiveness in the implementation of project activities.
  • Confirm that IFAD No-objections given to the NPCO and SPCO for incurring expenditure under the project are used forthe purpose intended.
  • Ensure disbursement between NPCO and the SPCO are reconciled and accounted for.

Qualification and Experience

  • A minimum of First Degree or Higher National Diploma in Accounting with a minimum working experience of 8 years, at least 4 years in IFAD-assisted or donor funded project.
  • Proven track record in internal auditing
  • Working experience in the Niger Delta area is a plus
  • Ability to motivate, inspire and achieve results will be an added advantage
  • Professional Certificate in Accounting or Auditing is an added advantage
  • Good communication and training skills

Read – Register/Apply For MSMES Survival Fund 2020 – Portal/Form

How to Apply for FMARD State Project Internal Auditor (SPIA) Recruitment 2020

Interested and qualified candidates should send their Applications with detailed CV to: using the Job Title as subject of the email

 How to write a CV

Application Deadline  19th October, 2020.

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