FFS Application Closing Date 2018/2019- Are you looking for the application closing date for Federal Fire Service (FFS) 2018/2019 Recruitment, are you an applicant of the Federal Fire Service (FFS) 2018/2019 Recruitment, do you want to know the closing date for the Federal Fire Service (FFS) 2018/2019 Recruitment online application form, then this post is for you.
All applicants should note that The 2018 Federal Fire Service recruitment officials has announced the closing date and deadline for the Federal Fire Service (FFS) recruitment 2018 online registration and application, since the commencement of the FFS Recruitment 2018.
As you all know the Federal Fire Service (FFS) online registration form for applicant is now available. If you are yet to apply for the ongoing Federal Fire Service (FFS) form recruitment 2018, you are advised to apply now before the closing date by clicking this link: http://www.fedfire.gov.ng/ and you will get all the necessary information made easy for the FRSC registration.
Closing Date for 2018/2019 Federal Fire Service (FFS) Recruitment
You can now see the official closing date for the Federal Fire Service (FFS) recruitment application form for year 2018 below:
The Federal Fire Service FFS application closing date will be in six weeks after the publication /announcement of the Federal Fire Service FFS recruitment application form 2018 12th June, 2018
Requirements Before Application- Federal Fire Service (FFS) Recruitment 2018/2019
- Applicants must be Nigerians by birth;
- Applicants must be between ages of 18 and 30 years;
- Applicants’ height must not be less than 65m for male and 1.60m for female;
- Applicants’ chest measurement must not be less than 87 for men;
- Applicants must possess the requisite qualifications and certificates. Any certificate or qualification not presented and accepted at the recruitment centre shall not be accepted after the recruitment;
- Applicants must be fit and present certificates of medical fitness from government recognized hospitals;
- Applicants must be of good character and must not have been convicted of any criminal offences;
- Applicants must not be drug addicts or members of any secret society or cult;
- Applicants must not be financially embarrassed;
- Computer literacy will be of added
How to apply for FFS Recruitment 2018
Please Notify Me Of The Day That They Wil Start The Screening & Examination Date Pls
We will definitely inform you once the screening comes out
does anyone know if the screening as been done or we are still waiting for a date