Special Public Works (SPW) Recruitment
The programme involves the use of NDE skills acquisition training centers across the country as well as informal sector operators such as master crafts-men and women as training outlets for unskilled school-leavers. Where the informal sector operators are use, the trainees are attached with them for periods long enough for the apprentices to acquire the necessary skills. The department also deploys well-equipped mobile workshops to train unemployed youths in rural areas where informal training outlets are non-existent.
This special vocational training is designed for unskilled and unemployed persons with special needs [i.e. vulnerable, physically challenged, widows, commercial sex workers, displaced persons, orphans etc] in order to empower them with functional skills that will enable them to become self-employed and self-reliant.
Skills include:
The scheme deploys well equipped Mobile Training Workshops {MTWs] with vocational skills training facilities to rural areas where training outlets are deficient or nonexistent: it is aimed at creating a pool of artisans that will readily address the needs of the rural environment, promote economic activities therein and also stem the tide of rural-urban drift.
Skills under this scheme include:
The scheme is targeted at unskilled and unemployed youths both male and female to equip them with relevant demand driven skills.
The scheme is implemented at 2 levels namely:
is a scheme through which unemployed school leavers are recruited and posted to Master Craftsmen/women who are informal sector operators or to NDE Skills acquisition Centers to acquire marketable vocational skills.
A-NOAS is designed for artisans who graduated from B-NOAS. It is aimed at u-grading their skills to higher levels of competence.
This training is designed to impart driving skills to females who choose to take on professional driving as means of livelihood. After the training, they are evaluated by the Federal Road Safety Corp.
Duration [3 months].
The community based training scheme is aimed at training youths and women in high income generating activities within their various localities. This is with a view to engaging them in productive ventures thereby enabling them to contribute to the economic well-being of the nation.
Skills under this scheme:
The resettlement scheme is designed to assist graduates of the National Open Apprenticeship Scheme [NOAS] with tools and equipment and working capital to enable them establish and run their own businesses successfully.
Under this scheme, graduated trainees of B-NOAS are empowered with cash to start their own businesses.
Towards enhancing the quality of training at the skills acquisition centers of the master crafts men/women, the NDE introduced the TCU, this scheme involves the provision of capital as soft loan to some of the master trainers to up-grade their centres with modern tools and equipment qualitative and effective training delivery.
To begin application, visit: https://ndetrainees.ng/
Note- Application is FREE OF CHARGE.
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