WAEC GCE Timetable 2021 (Second Series) is Out – Download Here

The West African Examination Council GCE (WAEC Private Exam) 2021 timetable is out and is now available for download. This is to inform all students who registered for the 2021/2022 West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) NOV/DEC that the timetable for examination has been finally released.

The WAEC GCE Exam Timetable is finally out for all GCE Candidates

You can now find the WAEC GCE Nov/Dec 2021 Exam timetable

You are to note that the examination is expected to commence from on August 2021

Remember that the extension of the WAEC GCE Registration closing date to 23rd October, 2020, the  2021 WAEC GCE timetable is now out as listed below

WAEC GCE Nov/Dec Second Series Timetable 2021 Full Details below

Saturday, 14th November, 2020

Foods and Nutrition 3 (Practical) Planning Session: 9:30 am. –   10:30 am

Home Management 3 (Practical ) Planning Session:  12noon    –   1:00pm


Tuesday, 17th November, 2020

Visual Art 2 (Essay):  9:30am    –   11:30am

Visual Art 1 (Objective): 11:30am  –   12:20pm

Physical Education 3 (Theory of Practice): 2:00pm     –  4:00pm


Wednesday, 18th  November, 2020

Auto Mechanics 2 (Essay): 9:30am     –   11:00am

Auto Mechanics 1 (Objective): 11:00am   –   12noon

Building Construction 3 (Building Drawing and Essay): 2:00pm     –   4:30pm

Foods and Nutrition 2 (Essay): 2:00pm     –   3:15pm

Foods and Nutrition 1 (Objective): 3:15pm     –   4:15pm


Thursday, 19th November, 2020

French 2 (Essay): 9:30am     –   10:45am

French 1 (Objective): 10:45am  –    11:45am

Auto Mechanics 3 ( Practical ): 9:30am     –   11:30am (1st Set)

Auto Mechanics 3 ( Practical ): 12noon     –    2:00pm (2nd Set)

Home Management 2 (Essay): 2:00pm     –    3:00pm

Home Management 1 (Objective): 3:00pm     –    4:00pm


Friday, 20th   November, 2020

History 2 (Essay): 9:30am     –    11:30am

History 1  (Objective): 11:30am  –     12:30pm

Basic Electronics 3 (Practical) **:  9:30am     –    12:30pm(1st Set)

Basic Electronics 3 (Practical) **: 1:00pm     –    4:00pm  (2nd Set)

Building Construction 2 (Essay): 2:30pm     –    3:30pm

Building Construction 1 (Objective): 3:30pm     –    4:15pm

Commerce 2 (Essay): 2:30pm     –    4:30pm

Commerce 1 (Objective): 4:30pm     –    5:20pm


Saturday, 21st    November, 2020

General Mathematics/Mathematics (Core) 2 (Essay): 9:30am     –    12noon

General Mathematics/Mathematics (Core) 1 (Objective): 2:00pm     –    3:30pm


Monday, 23rd   November, 2020 to Thursday, 17th December, 2020


Arabic 3 (Oral)

Music 3B (Performance Test)

French 3 (Oral)

Clothing and Textiles 3 (Practical)

Foods and Nutrition 3 (Practical)

Home Management 3 (Practical)

Time: Time for the above  paper will be arranged by the Council.


Monday, 23rd   November, 2020

Physics 2 (Essay): 9:30am     –     11:00am

Physics 1 (Objective): 11:00am  –      12:15pm

Physics 3 (Alternative to Practical Work): 2:00pm     –     4:45pm


Tuesday, 24th   November, 2020

Chemistry 2 (Essay): 9:30am     –     11:30am

Chemistry 1 (Objective): 11:30am  –      12:30pm

Chemistry 3 (Alternative to Practical Work): 2:00pm     –      3:30pm


Wednesday, 25th November, 2020

Geography 2(Essay) ; 9:30am     –    11:30am

Geography 1(Objective): 11:30am   –    12:30pm

Geography 3 (Practical and Physical Geography): 2:00pm     –     3:50pm


Thursday, 26th November, 2020

Financial Accounting 2 (Theory and Practice): 9:30am     –    12noon

Financial Accounting 1 (Objective): 12noon     –    1:00pm

Government 2 (Essay): 2:00pm     –    4:00pm

Government 1 (Objective): 4:00pm     –    5:00pm

Basic Electronics  2 (Essay) **: 2:00pm     –    3:00pm

Basic Electronics  1 (Objective) **: 3:00pm     –    4:00pm


Friday, 27th November, 2020

Biology 2 (Essay) : 9:30am     –    11:10am

Biology 1 (Objective) : 11:10am  –     12noon

Biology 3 (Alternative to Practical Work): 2:30pm     –    4:30pm


Saturday, 28th November, 2020

English Language 2 (Essay) : 9:30am     –    11:30am

English Language 1 (Objective) : 11:30am  –     12:30pm

English Language 3 (Test of Orals)**/****: 2:00pm     –    2:45pm



Monday, 30th November, 2020

Economics 2 (Essay) : 9:30am     –    11:30am


Economics 1 (Objective) : 11:30am   –    12:30pm

Visual Art 3A (Drawing) : 2:00pm     –    5:00pm


Tuesday, 1st December, 2020

Literature-In-English 2(Prose): 9:30am     –    10:45am

Literature-In-English 1 (Objective) : 10:45am   –    11:45am

Literature-In-English 3 (Drama & Poetry ) : 2:00pm     –    4:30pm


Wednesday, 2nd December, 2020

Further Mathematics/Mathematics (Elective) 2 (Essay) : 9:30am     –    12noon

Further Mathematics/Mathematics (Elective) 1 (Objective) : 2:00pm     –    3:30pm

Music 3A (Aural) : 2:00pm     –    2:45pm


Thursday, 3rd December, 2020 ( Essay: 9:30am     –    11:30am, Objective: 11:30am   –    12:30pm)

Hausa 2 (Essay)**

Hausa 1 (Objective)**

Igbo 2 (Essay)**

Igbo 1 (Objective)**

Yoruba 2 (Essay)**

Yoruba 1 (Objective)**

Agricultural Science 3 (Alternative to Practical Work) : 2:00pm     –    3:30pm


Friday, 4th December, 2020

Health Education 3 (Alternative to Practical Work)** : 9:30am     –    11:15am

Health Education 2 (Essay)** : 2:30pm     –     4:00pm

Health Education 1 (Objective)** : 4:00pm     –     5:00pm


Saturday, 5th December, 2020

Civic Education 2 (Essay)**: 9:30am     –     11:30am

Civic Education 1 (Objective)**: 11:30am   –     12:30pm

Metalwork 2 (Essay): 2:00pm     –     3:30pm

Metalwork 1 (Objective): :30pm     –     4:30pm

Clothing and Textiles 2 (Essay): 2:00pm     –     3:30pm

Clothing and Textiles 1 (Objective): 3:30pm     –     4:30pm


Monday, 7th December, 2020

Agricultural Science 2 (Essay) : 9:30am     –    11:40am

Agricultural Science 1 (Objective): 11:40am   –    12:30pm

Physical Education 2 (Essay): 2:00pm     –    3:20pm

Physical Education 1 (Objective): 3:20pm     –    4:10pm


Tuesday, 8th December, 2020

Christian Religious Studies 2 (Essay): 9:30am     –    11:30am

Christian Religious Studies 1 (Objective) : 11:30am   –    12:30pm

Islamic Studies 2 (Essay): 9:30am     –    11:30am

Islamic Studies 1 (Objective): 11:30am   –    12:30pm

Arabic 2 (Essay): 2:00pm     –    4:00pm

Arabic 1 (Objective): 4:00pm     –    4:50pm



Wednesday, 9th December, 2020

Technical Drawing 3 (Sketches, Building and Mechanical Drawing) : 9:30am     –    12:15pm

Technical Drawing 2 (Essay): 2:00pm     –    3:45 pm

Technical Drawing 1 (Objective) : 3:45pm     –    4:45pm


Thursday, 10th December, 2020

Visual Art 3B (Creative Design): 9:30am     –    12:30pm


Friday, 11th December, 2020

Woodwork 3 (Practical): 9:30am     –    12:30pm (1st Set)

Woodwork 3 (Practical): :00pm     –    4:00pm  (2nd  Set)

Basic Electricity 3  (Practical) **: 9:30am     –    12:30pm (1st Set)

Basic Electricity 3  (Practical) **: 1:00pm     –    4:00pm  (2nd  Set)


Monday, 14th December, 2020

Woodwork 2 (Essay and Design): 2:00pm     –    4:20pm

Woodwork 1 (Objective): 4:20pm     –    5:00pm



Tuesday, 15th December, 2020

Metalwork 3 ( Practical ) : 9:30am     –    12:40pm (1st Set)

Metalwork 3 ( Practical ): 1:00pm     –    4:10pm  (2nd  Set)

Music 2 (Essay): 2:00pm     –    4:00pm

Music 1 (Objective): 4:00pm     –    5:00pm

Basic Electricity 2 (Essay) **: 2:00pm     –    3:00pm

Basic Electricity1 (Objective) **: 3:00pm     –    4:00pm




Other keys include:
* Available to candidates in Ghana only
** Available to candidates in Nigeria only
*** Available to candidates in The Gambia and Sierra Leone only
**** Available to candidates in Liberia only

  • Difference in Time on Question Paper and Timetable

Where the duration indicated on the question paper differs from that on the timetable, the one on the question paper should be followed.

  • Question Papers to be Given Out in Advance of the Dates They Are to be Taken

 Visual Art 3

 Paper 3A – Instructions will be given to supervisors two weeks before the paper is due to be taken.

 Paper 3B – Question papers will be given to candidates two weeks before the paper is due to be taken.

  • Extra Time for Blind, Deaf and Dumb Candidates

 Blind, deaf and dumb candidates should be allowed one and half times the time allotted to other candidates.

WAEC GCE 2021 Second Series Timetable and Exam Date- Download Here


39 thoughts on “WAEC GCE Timetable 2021 (Second Series) is Out – Download Here”

    1. This is because the registration date has been extended to 25th September, 2020. So keep checking this page we will update it as soon as the timetable is finally out.


    1. Soon… From 26th of September, the Timetable should be out unless there is another extension of the registration date.

    1. Currently, the GCE timetable is not out. Registration is still on going. We will inform you immediately the exam date is announced.

    1. Sure we will notify immediately the timetable is out.. Currently the registration closing date has been slated to 23-10-2020

    1. Okay, But date will be out few weeks after the closing date on 23rd October, 2020. so check back after this date

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