Trade Monitoring System Form A Registration – How to fill your e-Form A easily



The Trade Monitoring System(TRMS) is a web portal designed and developed for the automation of CBN foreign exchange trade related processes. It’s a multi-stakeholder platform comprising different portals for the various users. The 3 different portals include:

  • Applicant portal

  • Authorized Dealer Bank (ADB) portal

  • Stakeholder portal

The TRMS automates three distinct processes which include:

  • Form A – Invisible Trades

  • Form NCX – Non-Commercial Exports

  • Form NXP – Commercial Exports

This training manual focuses on the Form A and Form NCX processes and is aimed to help the various users understand how to fill out or process an application.

 Form A Process Overview

Form A focuses on invisible FOREX trades such as BTA, PTA and professional fees. There are only 2 stakeholders involved in this process; the Applicant and the Bank. See figure 1.


Figure 1: Illustration of Form A  Process

Form NCX Process Overview

Form NCX focuses on non-commercial trades such as samples and movement of personal effects. There are only 4 stakeholders involved in this process; the Applicant, the Bank, the NCS and the Shipping Line. See figure 2.


Figure 2: Illustration of Form NCXProcess


  1.   Registration

  • Navigate to the applicant portal using the URL:

    • The login page will be displayed, please see Figure 3.

  • If you already have an account you login with your email and password.

  • If you do not, you click on Register Now (see Figure 3).


Figure 3: Login Page

  • When you click on Register Now it takes you to the Registration Page. Please see figure 4.

  • If registering as an organisation, select organisation and input your TIN number.

  • If registering as an individual, select individual and input your BVN.


 Figure 4: Registration Page

  • The system sends One-Time-Password (OTP) to your email which you used to register your BVN or TIN. Please see figure 5.


 Figure 5: OTP Request Page

  • Check your registered email and input the OTP in the field provided.

  • The TRMS will take you to a page where you can create your password.

  • Input your desired password and confirm the password. Pls see figure 6.


 Figure 6: Reset Password

  • An activation link is sent to Email.

  • Click on the link to activate your account.

    • Please note that it’s important your account is activated within 8 hours of receiving the link or it will be disabled.

  • After this has been done the applicant can login into the TRMS using their email and password created.

  1.   Logging into the TRMS

  • Navigate to the applicant portal using the URL:

    • The login page will be displayed, please see Figure 3.

  • Enter your username (email) and password, please see figure 3.

  • The system sends One-Time-Password (OTP) to your email, please see figure 5.

    • Enter the OTP and click on submit.

    • OTPs expire after 300 seconds. If it expires, you can request for a new one.

  • Applicant has been logged into the system, please see figure 7.


 Figure 7: Logging into the TRMS



The Form A is an application for services (invisible trade transactions). An individual or organisation can use the form A when they require foregin exchange to pay for services outside Nigeria. An applicant can start an application using either the public sector or the private sector, some of these services include:

  • Business Travel Allowance (BTA)

  • Personal Travel Allowance (PTA)

  • Educational Fees

  • Payment for Health services

  • Estacodes

  • Remittances & Non-Remittance

  • Others

  1. Private vs Public Sector Applications

  • If you registered as an individual (using BVN), you can only fill out Private Sector Applications.

  • Organizations (registered using a TIN) can fill out Private or Public sector applications.

    • Select the application that applies to your sector.

  • Please see figure 8.


 Figure 8: Starting an application

  1. What is a Trade Category and Transaction Purpose?

Form A applications are organized by TRADE CATEGORIES. Within each trade category are a set of TRANSACTION PURPOSES, which essentially describe the type of transaction you wish to carry out.

Examples of transaction purposes include Personal Travel Allowance (PTA) and Educational Allowance. To see a table of all available TRADE CATEGORY and TRANSACTION PURPOSES, please click HERE. Every application MUST select a TRADE CATEGORY and a TRANSACTION PURPOSE. Please see figure 9.


Figure 9: Selecting a transaction purpose


Regardless of the selected Transaction Purpose, completing a Form A application consists of going through 5 sets of screens and providing information where required. These screens are as follows:

  • Applicant Information

  • Trade Services

  • Bank Details

  • Attachments

  • Preview Form

  1. Applicant Information

This section largely provides information pulled from your FIRS issued TIN (for organizations) or your NIBSS issued BVN (for individuals). Please note the following:

  • The only information you may update is your Address and RC number (for organizations).

  • Please review the information there and ensure it’s accurate before you proceed completing the rest of the form.

  • Please see figure 10.


Figure 10: Applicant Information

  1. Trade Services

This section of the application is where you will provide the following information:

  • Trade Category and Transaction Purpose: see Section 4.1.2 for more information about how to make the appropriate selection.

    • Shortcuts have been provided for the most commonly used trade categories and transaction purposes. Please see figure 11.


Figure 11: Trade Services

  • Beneficiary Information: the beneficiary is the person or entity that will receive the foreign exchange. Please see figure 12.

    • This is typically different from the applicant except in the case of a Personal Travel Allowance (PTA) transaction category.

    • Where the beneficiary is an individual (for BTA and Estacode transaction purposes), the BVN MUST be provided.

    • Where applicable, multiple beneficiaries can be selected.


Figure 12: Beneficiary Information

  • Request Information: this is where the requested amount and desired currency is entered for each beneficiary. Please see figure 13.

    • Where applicable, the request amount limit will be provided in the currency selected. For more details on Request Amount Limits, please click HERE.


Figure 13: Request Information

  • Travel Information: this is only required for certain transaction categories where the information is required. Please see figure 14.

    • The route information requires users to enter the airport codes of their Origin, Destination and Transit airport or City Codes.

    • The ticket number is the 13 digit number on your flight ticket; it is NOT the 6 character PNR.


Figure 14: Travel Information

  1. Bank Details

This section of the application is where you will provide the information below. Please see figure 15.

  • Payment Mode:

  • Naira Account Number:

  • Processing Bank:

  • Branch:


Figure 15: Bank Details

  1. Attachments

This section of the application is where the applicant will upload the required documents as well as any additional documents they deem necessary for the application. Please see figure 16.

  • Required documents:

  • Document file format and size: Document should not be more than 1.99MB, document can be in PDF/JPEG/TIFF/PNG Format.

  1. Preview Information, SAVE or SUBMIT

This section of the application is where the applicant can either Save a form, which can be submitted later or Submit a form.

  • Applicant fill all the necessary field s

  • Applicant clicks on the Save button at the bottom right of the page.Pls see figure 16


Figure 16: Saving an application

           Figure 16:Save form

  • Form is saved

  • Applicant will get an Email notifying he/she that the form has been saved.

  • If submitted Applicant will get an Email notifying he/she that their form has been submitted for processing.


This section of the application is where the applicant can upload documents. When an applicant Amends or Cancels an application it is required that the applicant uploads a document showing the reason for amendment or cancelation, also an applicant can upload additional documents as requested by the approver or disbursement officer. The applicant can upload more documents to their application by clicking on the green action button and selecting upload more documents from the drop down menu, please See figure 16.

Please NOTE, documents can be in PDF/JPG/PNG/TIFF form and should not be more than 1.99mb.


Figure 16: Uploading Document


This section of the application is where the applicant can update an application. For an application to be updated, it needs to be validated by the bank first, an application can be updated when it has been rejected by the bank and the bank requests the applicant to update their application. An Email will be sent by the bank to the applicant.

             A form can be updated when an applicant starts to fill a form and saves it when the applicant comes back to fill the form they can update the form.

Steps involved

  • An Email will be sent to the applicant to notify them that their form has been saved, please see the figure below


        Figure 17:Email notification

  • Applicants log into your portal.

  • Pull up the Form they want to to update

  • Click on the yellow input button at the bottom right of the page to upload more documents. Please see figure 18

  • Add document and select the document being attached and submit

  • Applicants update the form and submit the form.

  • Form Stage should change.



Figure 18:Form A update process

  • Applicant click on update

  • Applicants update the form and submit the form.


This section of the application is where the applicant can update their phone number, if the need be Please go to your profile and click on the Green Action and select “update contact details”. Please see the figure below


Kindly input your phone number and click on Submit



This section of the application is where the applicant can amend a form or application, if the need be. For an amendment application will be at the ADB Disbursement stage.

To amend a form Applicants are required to login to TRSM Applicant portal and search for the application they intend on amending. Using the url

 The application must be Validity by the Bank before amendment can be done on it.

  • Applicant logins to the applicant portal.

  • A one-time password is sent to the applicant which they input into the space provided.

  • On the Trade Service Tab Applicant clicks on form A.

  • Applicant clicks on history. See Figure 17


                                     Figure 19: selecting form to amend

  • Applicant clicks on the application Number

  • Applicant clicks on the green Action at the top right of the page. See figure 18


                                      Figure 20: Amendment process.

  • To amend Applicant clicks on Amend.

  • System takes you to a page where the applicant input the reason for amendment. See figure 19


                                      Figure 21: Reason for Amendment

  • After input of a reason for amendment, the applicant clicks on next

  • Applicant attached document showing the reason for amendment. See figure 20 below


                                              Figure 22:  Attachment for Amendment.

  • Applicants make the necessary changes which are limited to certain fields and submit.

  • Applicants will get an email notifying them of the application amendment and submit.

  • Application goes to  AMEND TED REVIEWER.

Please NOTE

  • The amendment of a FORM A can only be done at the ADB disbursement stage.

  • The applicant needs to check to know the stage of their application.

  • If Application is at ADB disbursement stage, application can be Amended.


This section of the application is where applicants can initiate the cancelation of a form or application. Applicants need to log into the applicant portal.

  • An application can be cancelled before validation by the Bank and also at the ADB disbursement Reviewer stage, Which is subject to approval by TED.

  • For an application the applicant can cancel❌ the application by just clicking on the yellow button at the bottom right of the page. Pls see i figure 21 below.


                          Figure 23: Cancellation of a form

  • For an application, the applicant can cancel❌ the application by clicking on the Green Action button and clicking on cancel. Pls see figure 22 below


                    Figure 24: Cancellation of an Application.

  • System takes the applicant to a page where the Applicant gives a reason for the cancellation❌. pls see the figure 23 below.


                            Figure 25: Reason for Application Cancellation

  • Applicant inputs the reason for cancellation❌ and attach document.

  • Applicants submit.

  • An Email will be sent to the Applicant notifying them that their application has been cancelled❌ .


This section of the application is where the applicant can delete a saved form if the need be.

To delete a saved form, Applicants are required to login to the TRSM Applicant portal and search for the application they intend to delete. Using the url

  • Applicant logins to the applicant portal.

  • A one-time password is sent to the applicant which they input into the space provided.

  • On the Trade Service Tab Applicant clicks on form A.

  • Applicant clicks on history. See Figure 17


                                    selecting saved form to delete

  • Applicant clicks on the application Number

  • Applicant clicks on the green Action at the top right side of the page. 


    • Applicant selects Delete.

    • Applicant confirm that they want to delete the saved application

    • Application is deleted.

Business Travel Allowance

This form is used by an Organisation to apply for forgein exchange for their employees in the organisation, a quarterly limit of 5000 USD per beneficiary, is applicable here.

Steps involved

  • Applicants log into the applicant portal.

  • Reviews his basic information and clicks on NEXT

  • On the Trade Services TAB, the applicant clicks on the Business Travel Allowance (BTA) shortcut or navigates to the BTA transaction purpose field, see Figure 24 below


                                            Figure 24: Trade Service Tab

  • Applicants must fill all the required fields properly before moving to the next stage.

  • The following fields must be properly filled under each field;

 Trade services

  • Trade category

  • Trade purpose

  • Valid for Forex(yes)

  • Beneficiary information

  • BVN

  • Name

  • Phone number

  • Email

  • line 1

  • City

  • state

  • Request Information

  • Currency

  • Amount

  • Travel Information

  • Air ticket no

  • Airline

  • Route

  • Destination Country

  • Internationally Passport Number

Please NOTE

  • Quarterly limit of 5000 USD is applicable

  • If the applicant wishes to Add beneficiaries, the applicant clicks on Add beneficiary.

Please see figure 25 for this visual information.


                                           Figure 25: Adding of Beneficiary

Fill out Bank Details

  • Payment Mode

  • Naira Account

  • Processing bank

  • Branch

Please see figure 26 below for clarity


                                        Figure 26: Bank Details

Attach Documents requested on the document Tab

  • Documents can be in PDF/JPG/PNG/TIFF form and should not be more than 1.99mb.

Preview and Submission

After this, the applicants can preview their Forms before submission by clicking on the preview tab at the top right of the page or NEXT at the bottom  on the Page, to  preview their form they can now click on SUBMIT, and accept attestation and then they can submit their form.

For more information

Log out, and click HERE for support articles.

Personal Travel Allowance(PTA)

This form is used by an individual to apply for forgein exchange personally, only the applicant can be the beneficiary. A  quarterly limit of 4000 USD is applicable here.

Steps involved:

  • Applicants login into the TRMS applicant portal.

  • At the Trade Services TAB, the applicant clicks on the Personal Travel Allowance (PTA).Applicants must fill all the required fields properly before moving to the next stage.

  • The following fields must be properly filled under;

  • Trade services

  • Trade category

  • Trade purpose

  • Valid for Forex(yes)

  • Beneficiary information

  • BVN

  • NAME

  • Phone Number

  • Email

  • Line 1

  • State

  • City

  • Request Information

  • Currency

  • Amount

  • Travel Information

  • Air ticket no

  • Airline

  • Route

  • Destination Country

  • International passport number

  • Fill out Bank Details

  • Payment Mode

  • Naira Account

  • Processing bank

  • Branch

  •  Attach Documents

  • Documents can be in PDF/JPG/PNG/TIFF form and should not be more than 1.99mb.

  • Preview and Submission

  • After this, the applicants can preview their Forms before submission by clicking on the preview tab at the top right of the page or NEXT at the bottom  on the Page, to  preview their form they can now click on SUBMIT, and accept attestation and then they can submit their form.

Please NOTE

An Email will be sent to the Applicant after the applicant submits a form Notifying them that their application is being processed.

For more information

Log out, and click HERE for support articles.

Educational Fees

This form is used by an individual/company to apply for forgein exchange when they want to pay for tuition/school fees.

Steps involved:

  1. Applicants login into the TRMS applicant portal.

  2. At the Trade Services TAB, the applicant clicks on the Education Fees. Applicants must fill all the required fields properly before moving to the next stage.

  3. The following fields must be properly filed under;

  4. Trade services

  5. Trade category

  6. Trade purpose

  7. Valid for Forex(yes)

  8. Beneficiary information

  9. Name

  10. First Name

  11. Phone number

  12. Email

  13. Address line 1

  14. City

  15. state

  16. Student Name

  17. Student Passport

  18. Bank Account Name

  19. Bank Account Address

  20. Bank Account IBAN

  21. Bank Account SWIFT Code

  22. Bank Account Number

  1. Request Information

  2. Currency

  3. Amount

  • Fill out Bank Details

  • Payment Mode

  • Naira Account.

  • Processing bank

  • Branch

  • Attach Documents

  • Documents can be in PDF/JPG/PNG/TIFF form and should not be more than 1.99mb

  • Preview and Submission

After this, the applicants can preview their Forms before submission by clicking on the preview tab at the top right of the page or NEXT at the bottom  on the Page, to  preview their form they can now click on SUBMIT, and accept attestation and then they can submit their form.

Please NOTE

An Email will be sent to the Applicant after the applicant submits a form Notifying them that their application is being processed.

  • For more information

Log out, and click HERE to see Support Articles.

Medical Allowance

This form is used by an individual/company to apply for forgein exchange when they want to pay for medical services.

Steps involved:

  • Applicants login into the TRMS applicant portal.

  • At the Trade Services TAB, the applicant clicks on the Education Fees. Applicants must fill all the required fields properly before moving to the next stage.

  • The following fields must be properly filled under

  • Trade services:

  • Trade category

  • Trade purpose

  • Valid for Forex(yes)

  • Beneficiary information

  • First Name

  • Phone number

  • Email

  • Address line 1

  • City

  • state

  • Request Information

  • Currency

  • Amount

  • Select Valid for FOREX as YES

  • Fill out Bank Details

  • Payment Mode

  •  Naira Account

  • Processing bank

  • Branch

  • Attach Documents

  • Documents can be in PDF/JPG/PNG/TIFF form and should not be more than 1.99mb

  •  Preview and Submission

After this, the applicants can preview their Forms before submission by clicking on the preview tab at the top right of the page or NEXT at the bottom  on the Page, to  preview their form they can now click on SUBMIT, and accept attestation and then they can submit their form.

Please NOTE

An Email will be sent to the Applicant after the applicant submits a form Notifying them that their application is being processed.

  •  For more information

Log out, and click HERE to see support Articles.

 Non Remittances & Others

All non remittances are valid for forex. For the public sector Estacodes are non remittance while for the Private sector BTA and PTA are non-remittances.

Steps involved:

  • Applicants login into the TRMS applicant portal.

  • At the Trade Services TAB, the applicant clicks on BTA/PTA/Estacodes. Applicants must fill all the required fields properly before moving to the next stage.

  • The following fields must be properly filed under;

  • Trade services

  • Trade Category

  • Trade purpose

  • Valid for Forex(yes)

  • Beneficiary information

  • First Name

  • Phone number

  • Email

  • Address line 1

  • City

  • State

Request Information

  • Select forex as Yes

  • Amount

  • currency

  • Fill out Bank Details

  • Payment Mode

  • Naira Account

  • Processing bank

  • Branch

  • Attach Documents

  • Documents can be in PDF/JPG/PNG/TIFF form and should not be more than 1.99mb

 Preview and Submission

After this, the applicants can preview their Forms before submission by clicking on the preview tab at the top right of the page or NEXT at the bottom  on the Page, to  preview their form they can now click on SUBMIT, and accept attestation and then they can submit their form.

Please NOTE

An Email will be sent to the Applicant after the applicant submits a form Notifying them that their application is being processed.

Log out, and click on the check FAQ to see support Articles. See figure below;



This form is used by an Individual or organisation that requires forgein exchange to pay for other Services. On this form the applicant can select valid for forex as Yes/No as it applies. Transactions that are not BTA/PTA/Estacodes fall under Remittances or Others.

Steps involved:

  • Applicants login into the TRMS applicant portal.

  • At the Trade Services TAB, the applicant scrolls through the trades categories , selects the right trades category and then he scrolls through the transaction purpose dropdown and selects the purpose best descriptive of his transactions in a case where he doesn’t find this, he can select other and fill in the field provided . Applicants must fill all the required fields properly before moving to the next stage.

  • The following fields must be properly filed under Trade services

  • Trade category

  • Trade purpose

  • Valid for Forex(yes)

  • Beneficiary information

  •  BVN

  • Name

  • Address line

  • State

  • City

  • Email

  • Phone number

  • Request Information

  • Amount

  • Currency

  •  Travel Information

  • Air ticket no

  • Airline

  • Route

  • Destination Country

  • Internationally Passport Number

  • Fill out Bank Details

  • Payment Mode

  • Naira Account

  • Processing bank

  • Branch

  • Attach Documents

  • Documents can be in PDF/JPG/PNG/TIFF form and should not be more than 1.99mb.

  • Preview and Submission

After this, the applicants can preview their Forms before submission by clicking on the preview tab at the top right of the page or NEXT at the bottom  on the Page, to  preview their form they can now click on SUBMIT, and accept attestation and then they can submit their form.

Please NOTE

An Email will be sent to the Applicant after the applicant submits a form Notifying them that their application is being processed.

Log out, and click on the check FAQ to see support Articles. See figure below;



1.Attach Documents

2.Documents can be in PDF/JPG/PNG/TIFF form and should not be more than 1.99mb.


The banks use the url to  access the system.

After the applicant fills a form and submits successfully the form is sent to the bank for processing at this stage the form is now an application and upon validation by the bank, a Form number is automatically generated for this application.

Please NOTE

Every stage has a two level authentication process which are the Reviewer and Supervisor.

Form for more information click HERE to see the stages for Form A

This section of the document describes the two roles of the ADB actors in the Form A process.

  • ADB Approval

  • ADB Disbursement

This is the initial validation of the Form A application done by the bank actors;

  • The ADB Reviewer

  • The ADB Supervisor

This process entails reviewing the application and all the information provided by the applicant and validating the authenticity of the documentation provided. The approver, the ADB reviewer can either approve or reject the application requesting update from the applicant. The ADB supervisor can also approve the reviewer’s action or request for a modification.

  • The ADB Reviewer: The reviewer looks at the form to be sure it was filled out correctly, the reviewer recommends for Approval or for Rejection. The Supervisor would either accept the reviewer’s action or request for modification.

Steps involved

  • Login into adb portal.

  • Click on the form type FORM A at the top of the home page, please see figure 27  below


                                  Figure 27: ADB Reviewer HOME PAGE

  • It takes you to page where you have the pending applications and processed application see figure 28 below


                                      Figure 28: selecting an application to act on.

  • To act on a pending application click on the application number as shown in figure below or input the application number in the field provided and click on search .

  • It takes you to a page where you review the application and ensure that all the information in the applications are correct and validated.

  • Scroll down to the bottom right of the page, Click on the yellow “input” button see figure 29 below


                                 Figure 29: process of acting on an application

  • Page where you can either accept or reject application see figure 30 below;


                Figure 30 :Reviewer acting on an application

  • Select recommend for Approval or recommend for Rejection

  • Submit the application

  • It goes to the Supervisor to be acted upon

  •  The ADB Supervisor: Once the Supervisor accepts the reviewer’s actions, it would either go to the Next stage which is the ADB Disbursement Reviewer. In the case where he requests for reviewers modification, it will go back to the ADB reviewer to review .  If rejected it goes back to the applicant.

Steps involved

  • Login into adb portal.

  • Click on the form type FORM A at the top of the home page, see figure 31  below


                                        Figure 31:ADB Supervisor Home page

  • It takes you to the page where you have pending Application and processed application see figure 32 below;


                                      Figure 32 : selecting an application to act on

  • To act on a pending application click on the application number as shown in figure below or input the application number in the field provided and click on search .

  • It takes you to a page where you review the application and ensure that all the information in the applications are correct and validated.

  • Scroll down to the bottom right of the page, Click on the yellow “input” button see figure 33 below;


                      Figure 33 : process of acting on an application

  • A form approval page where you can either accept reviewers action or request reviewers modification comes up see figure 34 below;


                    Figure 34 : ADB Supervisor acting on an application.

  • Submit the application

  • If it was approved, the stage should reach ADB Disburser Reviewer, if it was rejected, the stage should read Rejected_ADB_reviewer and it is on the applicants queue to make corrections.

  • If the supervisor requested modification reviewers action,it goes back to the ADB Reviewer.

ADB Disbursement

This section of the document explains the process involved in disbursement of funds.This process of the disbursement of funds. This is also divided into two actors:

  • The ADB Disbursement Reviewer

  • The ADB Disbursement Supervisor

  • The ADB Disbursement Reviewer: After the form has been approved by the ADB supervisor, the ADB Disbursement Reviewer also reviews the application and the information provided and inputs the amount available for disbursement. After the ADB disburser Reviewer enters the disbursement information into the system, the application moves to the ADB Disburser Supervisor for approval.

  • For more information

Form for more information click HERE to see the stages for Form A

Steps involved

  • Login into adb portal.

  • Click on the form type FORM A at the top of the home page, see figure 35 below


                   Figure 35 : ADB Disbursement Home page

  • It takes you to the dashboard where you have pending Application and processed application see figure 36 below;


                          Figure 36 : Selecting an application to act on.

  • To act on a pending application click on the application number as shown in figure below or input the application number in the field provided and click on search .

  • It takes you to a page where you review the application and ensure that all the information provided  is correct and validated.

  • Scroll down to the bottom right of the page,Click on the yellow “input” button see figure 37 below;


                                Figure 37 :Process of Acting on an application

  • The approval page where you can either accept or reject application comes up and you can fill in the disbursement information as requested ;see figure 38 below;


Figure 38 : ADB Disbursement Reviewer acting in an application

  • Submit the application

  • If it was approved, the stage should read ADB Disburser Supervisor.

  • The ADB Disbursement Supervisor: The ADB disbursement supervisor reviews on the application after it has been  The supervisor can approve reviewers action or request for reviewers modification .If approved, then actual disbursement or payment can be made and if the supervisor requests for reviewers modification, the application goes back to the ADB disburser Reviewer.

Steps involved

  • Login into adb portal.

  • Click on the form you wish to work on from the TRMS Tab. see figure 39 below


Figure 39 :ADB Disbursement Home page

  • It takes you to the dashboard where you have pending Application and processed application see figure 40 below;


         Figure 40: selecting an application to act on.

  • To act on a pending application click on the application number as shown in figure below or input the application number in the field provided and click on search .

  • It takes you to the form view page where you review the application and ensure that all the information provided  is correct and valid.

  • Scroll down to the bottom right of the page and click on the yellow “input” button see figure 41 below;


                 Figure 41:

process of acting on an application

  • A form approval page where you can either accept reviewers action or request reviewers modification comes up see and you click on submit. Please see figure 42 below;


Figure 42 :

 ADB Disbursement Supervisor acting on an application.

  • If it was approved, the stage should read COMPLETE, if it was rejected, the stage should read rejected_ADB_disbursement_reviewer and it is on the applicant’s queue to make corrections.

  • If the supervisor requests the reviewer’s modification action,it goes back to the ADB_disbursement_reviewer.

Please NOTE: After each stage of processing, the applicant will be sent an email notifying him/her that their application has been processed and has been sent to the next stage.

  • For more information

Form for more information click HERE to see the stages for Form A

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