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TEF Business Plan/Proposal Summary Template to Prepare your TEF $5000 Grant Business Plan and Pitching for 2022

TEF Business Plan/Proposal Summary Template to Prepare your TEF $5000 Grant Business Plan and Pitching for 2022 – This article will help you on your tony elumelu foundation $5000 Grant 2022 business plan writing and pitching.


About Your Business – Required for Pitching

Describe an overview of your business, highlighting:

  • How you came up with this business idea.
  • What problem you are trying to solve.
  • How your business solves this problem.

When describing your problem, make sure that you quantify the significance of the problem in terms of loss (i.e., time, money, other resources) or uncaptured value (# of people or entities that need a solution to this problem) Not more than 150 words. –


Features & Functionalities- Required for Pitching

How does your business work? Describe the unique features of your business offering and how they address your identified problem. Not more than 100 words

How will you produce or provide your business offering? Tell us how you will create or develop your product. If you are offering services, describe how you will equip yourself/your team to provide these services. Not more than 50 words.


What is the average price of your product/service (in $USD and in local currency)? If you have not determined the price yet, talk about what you will consider in deciding the price of your business offering. Not more than 20 words

Profitability- Required for Pitching

How will you make profit? Tell us how many users you expect to sell to in a year. If your business earns revenue by usage instead of by user/customer, indicate the level of usage you expect. Give a summary of your cost of operations or cost price and mention what profit margins you expect to make from your business. Not more than 50 words.


Target Audience/Customers– Required for Pitching

Describe the size of your market in currency (in dollar $), your target customer, and how many customers you anticipate will benefit from you solving the problem you have identified. Not more than 50 words.

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Marketing & Sales- Your Marketing Plan

Explain how you plan to get your product or service to your target market(s). Highlight what tactics you will use to grow your customer base, maintain relationships, and build customer loyalty. What offline and online channels will you use to create visibility for your business and tell us what distribution systems or partnerships you will utilize to get your business offering to the market Not more than 100 words.

TEF $5000 Grant BUSINESS Plan SUMMARY Template to Prepare your Business Plan and Pitching for 2022 Application that will start by 1st of January 2022

TEF $5000 Grant BUSINESS Plan SUMMARY Template to Prepare your Business Plan and Pitching for 2022 Application that will start by 1st of January 2022


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SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Threats)- Required for Pitching

Describe the strengths and opportunities for your business. Highlight the threats and weaknesses you see in your business and your plans to overcome them.

Your analysis can include any of the following:   product, competition, political, environmental, social. technical, economic, and regulatory barriers or any relevant macroeconomic trends. Not more than 50 words


Resource Requirements- Required for Pitching

What do you need for your business right now? Describe the resources that you will need to meet your financial and business goals (i.e., equipment, additional employees, funding, etc.). Not more than 100 words.

Building a Team

Who is on your business team? Write a brief overview of you and your team, and describe what makes your team uniquely capable of leading your business to success? Not more than 100 words


Business Forecasting and Planning– Required for Pitching

Tell us what stage you are in your business. Is it still an idea, or do you have a prototype? Are you testing your markets with surveys or a pilot version of your offerings? Or have you started manufacturing / offering your services? If so, tell us how long you have been in business and what are your key business achievements till date. Not more than 150 words 

What are the next steps for your business?

Talk about the milestones you hope to accomplish over the next two years, on a quarterly basis. Note: Your milestones may be financial (e.g., attain xx million in revenue/profit. etc.), operational (e.g., expand branches, purchase new equipment, etc.), customer focused (e.g., attract xx number of new customers, gain xx new customers in xx region, etc.) or capability-building (e.g., build staff competencies to be able to execute xx, hire staff skilled in xxx, etc.) Not more than 150 words

Here are Coaches Notes on how to write it

Something for ATTENTION of all

1. The deadline for your business summary submission is June 25th

2. Your business summary must be 4 pages maximum

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1 page for cover


3 pages for all other

Pls, don’t let you write up exceed 4 pages. If you do, then you are already out of the competition because you have violated the Tef instructions and requirements.

Business Forecasting and Planning – Required for Pitching 

Tell us what stage you are in your business. Is it still an idea, or do you have a prototype? Are you testing your markets with surveys or a pilot version of your offerings? Or have you started manufacturing / offering your services? If so, tell us how long you have been in business and what are your key business achievements till date. Not more than 150 words

1. What is the problems I am trying to solve

2. When and where does the problem arise

3. What causes the problem

4. List some symptoms of the problems

When you seat down, and you do this exercise, you will then really understand the problem you want to solve.

So, when you begin to form idea in your mind about the business you want to do, the first thing  you should do is

1. to immediately identify who and who are your potential customers. After that

2. It is critical to understand a specific problem that is experienced by your potential set of customers

You may have the perfect solution already, but it is unlikely that your customers we want your already design solution.

Most start up fail because they commit to a particular product or service (Solution) to early before the founders really understand their customers, or the size of the market

3. Now, you need to first identify the problem you want to solve, and focus on it, later we will focus on solution

To know the problem your business want to solve, answer the following questions.

You could say, I expect to sell my product or service to 1000 users in a year

Cost of operations per year could be $2000

Total revenue (total sales) per year could be $ 3000

Net income = total sales-total cost of operations

Net income= 3000-2000=1000

Profit margin =net income/ net sales

1000/3000= 0.3*100

Profit margin = 30%


This class will focus on how to provide a solution to the problem you have identified . I.e. problem your potential market is facing and need urgent solution to.

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Tell Tef how many customers you are assuming or projecting would have bought your product or service in a year.

To a tailor, you could say 500 customers would have patronized you

To shoemaker, you could say, you projected 200, 000 people would have bought shoes from your company.

What is the price of one pair of shoe, let say $500

So now, draft your answers for Tef in this format

Sales projection: 200, 000 customers per year. Price per product is $500. My total sales per year is 200,000 * $500= $100, 000,000

Assume total cost of production is $56, 000, 000


this cost include cost of everything such as raw materials, rent, utilities, salary, etc

Net income = total sales – total expenses

$(100,000,000-56,000,000)=$44, 000,000

Profit margin= net income/total sales

44,000,000/100,000,000= 0.44

In percentage, 0.44*100=44%

In your company, your profit margin over a period of one year is 44%.

In my own Market,

Population Size – 1,000,000

Target Market Area Size- 120,000

Then I said if I sell to at least 15% of my target market = 14, 400

(if your price of product/service is $20)

it means 14,400 * 20 = *$288,000* (this is your size of market in currency)

MARKET SIZE in Dollars

Your market size could be big or small, but what is asking you is market size in dollars, meaning how much would you have made in the market space over a period of one year.

So, go about it in the manner

Tell TEF

I assume the price per product or service tender by my company in the market will be $200

And if I sell my service or product to 20, 000 customers per year

This means your company has a market size of ($200 * 20,000)= $4,000,000

So, your market size in dollars per year is then $4,000,000.


Draft your pricing 20 words like this

I charge 1 dollar (#460) per product. This low price is because we are new in the market space and to gain market-share

This sample pricing above can be adapted to your state.

What is important is let TEF know why you are charging the price you are charging. Yours price charging could be because you are the monopoly to your market, maybe you over values others don’t over.

Whatever is the reason you are charging your current price, state it. Remember price will always change, but why you are charging your current price, just state for TEF because that is the question they asked you.

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