RivJobs Bootcamp Training 2018 Exercise Date and Venue- www.rivjobs.ng

rivjobs Bootcamp training  exercise date and venue 2018- This post is to give you guide on the Rivjobs Bootcamp Training exercise, on how to locate the venue and date for 2018 RivJobs Bootcamp Training.

rivjobs Bootcamp training  exercise date and venue 2018

There are a lot of benefits concerning the training which among will equip graduates with relevant soft skills and basic interview techniques that will enable them stand out in their quest for employment, and enhance the employability level of job seekers in Rivers State and applicants at the training will gain access to upcoming job fair for successful trainees.

The aim of the Bootcamp Training is targeted of equipping 25,000 job seekers with vital skills that will increase their chances of getting a job.

How to Apply for RivJobs Bootcamp Training 2018/2019

Application is open for all who have registered on the Rivjobs portal.

  • Login to your rivjobs portal at www.rivjobs.ng
  • Use the login details (email address and password) used during the registration process to gain access to the portal.
  • Click on apply for “Bootcamp Training 2018″ by the left hand side
  • Choose your date and time
  • Then click on apply
  • Once you have applied print out your registration slip/photocard for the training exercise

RivJobs Bootcamp Training 2018 Screening Date

From 4th to 8th of October, 2018

RivJobs Bootcamp Training 2018 Screening Time

7:30AM to 12NOON batch and 12NOON to 5PM batch daily

RivJobs Bootcamp Training 2018 Screening Venue

Obi Wali International Conference Centre, Chief G.U. Ake Rd (Eliozu Rd), Port Harcourt.

RivJobs Bootcamp Training covers the following:
Preparing yourself for your dream job (skills, values and attitudes re-orientation)
How to write a winning CV
Successful interview techniques
Writing lesson plans.

Note- Those who registered on 2nd and 3rd of October would have their sessions on the 4th of October, at their respective times.
This training is for those that did not participate in the Employability Bootcamp 1 RivJobs Bootcamp Training 2018 take note

Rivers State Teachers Job 2018: RivJobs Bootcamp Training 2018 Exercise Date and Venue-www.rivjobs.ng

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