Rhema University Academic and Non-academic Staff Recruitment 2022 – Apply Now

Rhema University, Nigeria is a private University approved and licensed by the Federal Government of Nigeria based in the city of Aba, Abia State, founded by the Living Word Ministries in the year 2009. The philosophy of the university is hinged on a philosophical dictum that “Knowledge is Power” and to achieve the above philosophy, the university will pursue the highest standards of teaching, research and community service while at the same time provide a balanced education for the acquisition of knowledge, entrepreneurial skills and moral principles.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the positions below:

Job Title: Public Relations Officer

Location: Aba, Abia

The Person

  • The candidate is responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the day to day Promotion / Campaigns aimed at the enhancement of the image of the University.
  • The applicant must possess the ability to coordinate public events in the University, monitor relationship between institutions and assist the University in its relationship with the general public.


  • Candidate must possess a BA / B.Sc Mass Communication Degree plus membership of Nigerian Institute of Public relations (NIPR).
  • A minimum of twelve (12) years cognate experience is required and possession of a higher degree will be an advantage.

Job Title: Technologist

Location: Aba, Abia
Department: Human Physiology And Human Anatomy

Job Description

  • Candidates should have the required certificates at least B.Sc / HND or its equivalent in the appropriate areas and must have worked in an institution of higher learning for an acceptable period of time.
  • Membership of a professional association will be an advantage.

Job Title: Lecturer I

Location: Aba, Abia

Job Details
We are in need of Lecturer I in the following disciplines:

  • Computer Science
  • Mass Communication
  • Anatomy
  • Medical Biochemistry
  • Nursing Science


  • Candidates should possess  a Ph.D Degree with at least three (3) years post qualification experience and evidence of scholarly publications. Two (2) years post qualification experience with reasonable number of publications may be considered.
  • Evidence of academic leadership, Project design, full time relevant teaching and research experience.

Job Title: Senior Lecturer

Location: Aba, Abia

Job Details
We are in need of Senior Lecturer I in the following disciplines:

  • Computer Science
  • Mass Communication
  • Anatomy
  • Medical Biochemistry
  • Nursing Science


  • Candidates should possess  a Ph.D Degree with at least five (5) years post qualification experience and acceptable number of publications.
  • Evidence of academic leadership, Project design, full time relevant teaching and research experience.

Job Title: Associate Professor

Location: Aba, Abia

Job Details
We are in need of Associate Professors in the following disciplines:

  • Computer Science
  • Mass Communication
  • Anatomy
  • Medical Biochemistry
  • Nursing Science


  • Candidates should possess  a Ph.D Degree with 8 years post qualification experience in the discipline applied for, and acceptable number of publications.
  • Evidence of academic leadership, Project design, full time relevant teaching and research experience.

Job Title: Bursar

Location: Aba, Abia

Job Description

  • The Bursar is the Chief Finance Officer of the University responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the day-to-day administration and control of the financial affairs of the University.

The Person

  • The Bursar must exhibit considerable degree of competence. responsiveness. demonstrable integrity and transparency in matters of financial resource management.
  • The candidate must show innovative approach to the running of an ICT-driven bursary, working at the highest level of efficiency to eliminate time wasting bureaucracy and bottlenecks.
  • Such a person must have the ability to advise the Vice-Chancellor in planning and executing strategies for enhancing internally generated revenue as well as promoting the culture of doing more with less.


  • Applicant should possess a good First Degree or its equivalent in Accounting and should be registered as a Certified / Chartered Accountant with ANAN; ICAN or ACA for at least fifteen (15) years.
  • The candidate must have served in the University system as a certified/Chartered Accountant for at least ten (10) years.
  • Exposure in professional accounting practice and an MBAIM .Sc Degree from an accredited Nigerian University will be an added advantage.

Job Title: Professor

Location: Aba, Abia

Job Details
We are in need of Professors in the following disciplines:

  • Computer Science
  • Mass Communication
  • Anatomy
  • Medical Biochemistry
  • Nursing Science


  • Candidates should possess  a Ph.D Degree with ten years post qualification experience in the discipline applied for, and acceptable number of publications.
  • Evidence of academic leadership, Project design, full time relevant teaching and research experience.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should submit six (6) typewritten copies of their Application giving the following in the following order:

  • Full Names
  • Post desired
  • Date of Birth
  • Place of Birth and State of origin
  • Nationality
  • Permanent Home Address (No P.O. Box or P. M.B.)
  • Current Postal Address (add phone GSM and email contacts)
  • Marital Status
  • Names and Ages of children
  • Institutions attended (with dates)
  • Academic qualifications with dates
  • Working experience with dates
  • Present employment status, salary and employer
  • If retired, indicate last position held
  • Names and address of three (3) referees and their addresses and GSM number.

The envelope must be marked “Confidential” at the left hand corner. The discipline applied for should be boldly written in capitals at the top right hand corner of the envelope and addressed to:
The Registrar,
Rhema University, Nigeria
P.M.B. 7021,
Aba, Abia State

Application Deadline  20th April. 2022

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