Reeskills 1000 Youth AgriBusiness Project Application

Reeskills 1000 Youth AgriBusiness Project Application – The ReelSkills for Agribusiness (R4A)is a training and job-matching project focused on equipping youth with real skills to succeed in careers in the Agri-processing sector in Nigeria.

We will train 1000 youths (60% women) and match at least 800 of these to worthwhile jobs. Our target beneficiaries are 18 – 35 year olds with minimal work experience.

The 3-year project is funded by the Netherlands Government under the Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE) programme

training tracks

Food Processing (courses include Food Safety & NAFDAC requirements)

Digital Sales & Marketing (courses include Customer Service & Social Selling)



Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to pay for the training?

No. The training is free for all participants.

Will the training be virtual or in-person?

The training will be delivered in-person, however, we may transit to a blended learning approach, if required, especially in light of the current pandemic.

What is the application deadline?

The training will be conducted in batches, and candidates will be recruited on an ongoing basis for each one. While there are no strict application deadlines, please note that a candidate may be assigned to the next cohort once we have reached the maximum class size for a batch.

When will I receive feedback on my application?

Candidates will typically receive feedback within 3 weeks of applying to the programme

Where would the training hold?

The training will take place in central locations on Lagos Mainland.

We are an Agri-processing business interested in hiring your training graduates. How can we reach you?

Kindly click the ‘Contact Us’ button below, or send an email to

What is the duration of the training?

Each training would last for 1 week. For the Food Processing track, trainees will spend 2 days in the factory to enable them gain hands-on knowledge of working in the factory.

Am I assured of job placement after the training?

During and after the completion of your training, the ReelSkills team will work with you to prepare and connect you to job opportunities within the Agri-processing sector. The success of your placement is however greatly impacted by your personal commitment to learning and growth.

How is Reelskills different from other training projects?

The ReelSkills project is designed to equip young people with real technical and soft skills demanded by SMEs within the Agri-processing sector in Nigeria. The project will go beyond equipping young people with these relevant skills to connecting them with decent jobs within the Agri-processing sector.

I am interested in the 2 tracks. Can I apply for both?

No. You may only apply for one track, so be very sure of the track you are more interested in and have a flair for. You will not be allowed to change to another track once your participation in the training is confirmed.

What if I cannot attend or complete the training?

We advise you to apply to the programme at a time when you are sure you can devote 1 week to the training. Only candidates who complete the 1-week training will be provided with certificates and considered for jobs

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