PalmCredit Loan- How to Loan Money Easily With No Collateral via PalmCredit Instant loan App

Are you looking for a platform to loan money for your business or solve an urgent problem, loan with no hassle but just quick cash transfer to solve your problem, then think of PALMCREDIT LOAN.

Palmcredit loans about N3500-200,000 in minutes/a click, very simple, flexible, fast with PalmCredit App.

PalmCredit is an android app that makes getting a loan in Nigeria is made easy with the use of you smartphone.

You can now the procedures on how to Loan money easily with PalmCredit without any collateral?

How to Apply for a Loan with PalmCredit instant Loans

  1. You can download the app via GOOGLE PLAY STORE by CLICKING HERE or follow the facebook link Click Here to Download PalmCredit App
  2. After download and installation on you android device
  3. Input your correct phone number
  4. Confirmation code will be sent to you
  5. Input the confirmation code correctly
  6. Input your name
  7. Date of birth – Different
  8. Your BVN for clarification
  9. Provide your Bank Account number and name which the money will be sent/transferred to.

After a successful congratulations message from PalmCredit, your loan credit will be sent to your bank account immediately.

How to repay loan collected for  PalmCredit Instant Loans

After a successful loan collection, you are to repay your debit (loan) to allow others have access to it.

Payment Mode- payment done TWO (2) DAYs after collection of loan has NO INTEREST (No payment of Loan Interest), but payment done after TWO (2) WEEKS of collection  attracts interest, days.


Ensure you pay back your loan repayment immediately ut is due for repayment to avoid unnecessary messages from PalmCredit customer care. The messages will be sent to your close contacts “PalmCredit: Please inform Saxxxxx xxxxa to settle Loan repayment of Nxxxx.xx ASAP else, actions will be taken against him. If In doubt, please call Saxxxxx xxxxa, 081x45x7x44”

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PalmCredit Loan– How to Loan Money Easily With No Collateral via PalmCredit Instant loans App

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