OPEC Recruitment/Employment 2021 – Apply opec.org Here

OPEC Recruitment 2021 – Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) – OPEC is currently recruiting to fill the 5 job positions listed below:

Job Title 1: Alternative Sources of Energy Analyst

Location: Nigeria

Job Description

  • The Energy Studies Department monitors, analyzes and forecasts world energy developments in the medium and long term and reports thereon, in particular providing in-depth studies and reports on energy issues.
  • It monitors developments and undertakes specific studies on energy demand and production-related technology, assessing implications for OPEC.
  • It identifies and follows up key areas of energy-related emerging technologies and research and development (R&D), facilitates and supports planning and implementation of collaborative energy-related R&D programs of Member Countries, as well as identifies prospects for OPEC participation in major international R&D activities.
  • It carries out studies and reports on developments in the petroleum industry, providing effective tools for carrying out model-based studies of analyses and projections of energy supply/demand and downstream simulation.
  • It elaborates OPEC Long Term Strategy and monitors, analyzes and reports on relevant national or regional policies (fiscal, energy, trade and environmental), assessing their impacts on energy markets.

Objective of Position

  • To study, analyze and evaluate developments of global coal and non-hydrocarbon primary energy sources with particular attention to their technical and economic potential, technology, economics and drivers, such as policies, taxation, market structuring, strategies of key players, etc.
  • To conduct studies on relevant issues on coal and non-hydrocarbon sources of energy, including production, use by sector and region as well as potential for fuel substitution and to assess their impact on world energy mix and on the demand for oil; contribute to the World Oil Outlook.

Main Responsibilities

  • Conducts studies on the development of coal and non-hydrocarbon sources of energy and prepare reports thereon
  • Collects, integrates and analyses data on technological, economic, environmental and policy aspects of coal and non-hydrocarbon energy
  • Studies and analyses developments of primary energy demand by fuel and sectoral energy use within a country/ group of countries, taking into consideration various aspects of energy policy development, including environment, energy substitution and conservation and security of  supply, and  assesses the impact on the energy supply mix
  • Monitors the technological evolution of coal and non-hydrocarbon sources of energy, and assesses potential for major breakthroughs and their impact on interfuel competition in various sectors
  • Assesses investment requirements and the costs of finding, developing, producing and delivering energy from coal and non-hydrocarbon sources
  • Contributes to and delivers speeches, articles and presentations to internal meetings and various international forums
  • Carries out any other tasks assigned by the relevant superiors as pertain to his/her background, qualifications and position

Required Competencies and Qualifications

  • University Degree in Energy Management, Economics or in a relevant Engineering discipline
  • Advanced Degree preferred.

Work Experience:

  • University Degree: 8 years in the field of energy studies
  • Advanced Degree: 6 years.

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Training Specializations:

  • Renewable and/or nuclear energy
  • Full cycle Cost evaluation
  • Interfuel competition
  • Knowledge of related environmental issues an asset.


  • Communication skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Customer service orientation
  • Initiative and integrity.


  • English.

Status and Benefits

  • Members of the Secretariat are international employees whose responsibilities are not national but exclusively international. In carrying out their functions they have to demonstrate the personal qualities expected of international employees such as integrity, independence and impartiality.
  • The post is at grade E reporting to the Head, Energy Studies Department. The compensation package, including expatriate benefits, is commensurate with the level of the post.

Interested and qualified candidates are requested to fill in a Résumé and an Application Form which can be received from their Country’s Governor (PDF) (See Nigeria address below) for OPEC or Click Here (Ms Word) to download Application Form. In order for applications to be considered, the application form and resume must reach the OPEC Secretariat through the relevant Governor not later than the closing date stated above.

Federal Republic of Nigeria
Dr. Adedapo Odulaja,
Group General Manager, International Energy Relations (GGM IER),
Governor for OPEC,
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation – NNPC,
Block D 10th Floor, Room 04, NNPC Towers,
Abuja, Nigeria.

Click Here to Download Application Form (Ms Word)

Click Here for More Information

Job Title 2: Financial Analyst

Location: Nigeria

The Department
The prime objectives of the Department are:

  • To provide pertinent and reliable information and analyses in support of decision-making and policy-making in Member Countries.
  • To carry out, on a continuous basis, research programmes and studies on short-term petroleum market developments with the aim of issuing reports on a regular (i.e. daily, weekly, monthly and bi-monthly) as well as ad hoc basis highlighting important issues for their use and consideration.
  • To conduct regular forecasts, elaborate and analyze oil market scenarios and prepare and publish reports on these findings.
  • To promote OPEC views and technical analysis on short-term oil market developments to the industry at large and general public via the OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report (especially the feature article) as well as other reports, presentations and related pod casts.
  • To prepare and contribute to reports to be submitted to the ECB, the BOG and the MMSC as well as papers for various OPEC publications.


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Objective of Position

  • To monitor and analyse the short-term impact of financial market developments, in particular commodity markets on petroleum markets as well as the  performance of major oil companies, including national oil companies; and
  • To carry out special studies on pertinent issues.

Main Responsibilities

  • Studies financial markets, in particular commodity markets as well as covering developments in currency, equity, bonds, interest rate markets.
  • Analyses the impact of financial market developments on short-term developments in the petroleum market.
  • Studies developments in world financial instruments, finance institutions and related issues.
  • Carries out analyses of the short-term financial performance of major oil companies, including National Companies and evaluates the short-term impact on the oil industry.
  • Consolidates findings of the above analyses and prepares and issues reports thereon.
  • Carries out any other tasks assigned by the relevant superiors as pertain to his/her background, qualifications and position.

Required Competencies and Qualifications

  • University Degree in Economics, Finance, and/or Business Administration
  • Advanced Degree preferred

Work Experience:

  • University Degree: 8 years, preferably relating to the oil sector
  • Advanced Degree: 6 years.

Training Specializations:

  • Financial analysis including tools
  • Oil project feasibility studies
  • Joint venture project assessments
  • Stock exchanges and oil paper markets (NYMEX, IPE, etc.)
  • Economic/financial analysis concepts (NPV/Cash Flow)
  • MS PowerPoint
  • Internet access to all international oil markets as well as financial markets.


  • Communication skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Customer service orientation
  • Initiative and integrity.


  • English.

Status and Benefits

  • Members of the Secretariat are international employees whose responsibilities are not national but exclusively international. In carrying out their functions they have to demonstrate the personal qualities expected of international employees such as integrity, independence and impartiality.
  • The post is at grade E reporting to the Head, Petroleum Studies Department. The compensation package, including expatriate benefits, is commensurate with the level of the post.

Interested and qualified candidates are requested to fill in a Résumé and an Application Form which can be received from their Country’s Governor (PDF) (See Nigeria address below) for OPEC or Click Here (Ms Word) to download Application Form. In order for applications to be considered, the application form and resume must reach the OPEC Secretariat through the relevant Governor not later than the closing date stated above.

Federal Republic of Nigeria
Dr. Adedapo Odulaja,
Group General Manager, International Energy Relations (GGM IER),
Governor for OPEC,
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation – NNPC,
Block D 10th Floor, Room 04, NNPC Towers,
Abuja, Nigeria.

Click Here to Download Application Form (Ms Word)

Click Here for More Information

Job Title 3: Statistical Systems Coordinator

Location: Nigeria

Job Description

  • The Data Services Department collects, retrieves and provides statistical data as support to the research and analytical studies in the other Research Division Departments and other activities of the Secretariat.
  • It also develops up-to-date IT applications and database systems, and provides specialized relevant documents and references.
  • The Department has the responsibility of a central, timely provider of reliable up-to-date data, documentation and information pertaining to oil markets in particular and energy markets and related issues in general as well as rendering IT development services.

Objective of Position

  • To assist the Head of Data Services Department and to coordinate, supervise and carry out statistical activities, to manage and guide staff assigned to the Statistics Group in identifying, collecting, storing and retrieving statistical data for the Secretariat and in providing statistical assistance to researchers in the Secretariat;
  • To carry out statistical research in energy, oil and economics related projects and other administrative tasks relating to the Group.

Main Responsibilities

  • Plans, develops, organizes, coordinate and supervises the activities relating to statistical data support and analysis and coordinates staff assignments within the Group
  • Guides staff in the group in compiling and analyzing statistical data as reported by Member Countries and secondary sources
  • Supervises the staff in the group in maintaining and updating the statistical database of the Secretariat
  • Guides the Department’s staff, in close cooperation with the staff of other Departments in the Secretariat, to generate and improve the statistical data reporting by the Secretariat
  • Maintains and develops networking with other national organizations to improve the quality of statistics data in the Secretariat
  • Coordinates and assists the Head in administrative matters referring to the Statistics Group
  • Carries out any other tasks assigned by the relevant superiors as pertain to his/her background, qualifications and position

Required Competencies and Qualifications

  • University Degree in Statistics, Mathematics, Operational Research or Economics
  • Advanced Degree preferred.

Work Experience:

  • University Degree: 10 years
  • Advanced Degree: 8 years.

Training Specializations:

  • Statistical methods and analysis
  • Econometrics
  • Database queries and data mining
  • Relational Databases, Design Principles (ER-Modeling, Data Flow Diagram)
  • Extraction and transformation tools
  • Application Software: Excel, Access, Oracle, B20/20, PL/SQL
  • IT Skills (Internet, Networking, FTP, TCP/IP)
  • Oil industry operation
  • Firm knowledge in the area of energy with specific expertise in the oil sector.


  • Managerial & leadership skills
  • Communication skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Customer service orientation
  • Team-building skills
  • Initiative and integrity.


  • English.

Status and Benefits

  • Members of the Secretariat are international employees whose responsibilities are not national but exclusively international. In carrying out their functions they have to demonstrate the personal qualities expected of international employees such as integrity, independence and impartiality.
  • The post is at grade D reporting to the Head, Data Studies Department. The compensation package, including expatriate benefits, is commensurate with the level of the post.

Interested and qualified candidates are requested to fill in a Résumé and an Application Form which can be received from their Country’s Governor (PDF) (See Nigeria address below) for OPEC or Click Here (Ms Word) to download Application Form. In order for applications to be considered, the application form and resume must reach the OPEC Secretariat through the relevant Governor not later than the closing date stated above.

Federal Republic of Nigeria
Dr. Adedapo Odulaja,
Group General Manager, International Energy Relations (GGM IER),
Governor for OPEC,
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation – NNPC,
Block D 10th Floor, Room 04, NNPC Towers,
Abuja, Nigeria.

Click Here to Download Application Form (Ms Word)

Click Here for More Information

Job Title 4: Energy Models Analyst

Location: Nigeria


  • The Energy Studies Department monitors, analyzes and forecasts world energy developments in the medium and long term and reports thereon, in particular providing in-depth studies and reports on energy issues.
  • It monitors developments and undertakes specific studies on energy demand and production-related technology, assessing implications for OPEC.
  • It identifies and follows up key areas of energy-related emerging technologies and research and development (R&D), facilitates and supports planning and implementation of collaborative energy-related R&D programs of Member Countries, as well as identifies prospects for OPEC participation in major international R&D activities.
  • It carries out studies and reports on developments in the petroleum industry, providing effective tools for carrying out model-based studies of analyses and projections of energy supply/demand and downstream simulation.
  • It elaborates OPEC Long Term Strategy and monitors, analyzes and reports on relevant national or regional policies (fiscal, energy, trade and environmental), assessing their impacts on energy markets.

Objective of Position

  • To ensure adequate development of the modeling capabilities of the Department and to supervise the development and maintenance of medium- to long-term modeling systems;
  • To coordinate and be responsible for running the models; and to coordinate, carry out or contribute to studies based on a modeled approach.

Main Responsibilities

  • Ensures and supervises the development of medium- and long-term modeling systems made by the OPEC Secretariat or by outside consultants and to co-ordinate for running the models
  • Ensures the maintenance of proper specifications of the models in use, keeps OPEC Secretariat methodologies continually under review and provides general guidelines for improving methodologies for the models in the Department
  • Conducts or contributes to studies based on a modeled approach
  • Responsible for defining the most reasonable raw input data for and running, modifying and updating the models in the Secretariat; estimating and re-specifying the equations of the models to increase their computational efficiency
  • Studies and keeps abreast of other energy model efforts developed outside so as to keep OPEC methodologies continually under review
  • Contributes to speeches, articles and presentations to internal meetings and international forums
  • Carries out any other tasks assigned by the relevant superiors as pertain to his/her background, qualifications and position.

Required Competencies and Qualifications

  • University Degree in Economics, Statistics or Computational Modelling
  • Advanced Degree preferred.

Work Experience:

  • University Degree: 8 years in the petroleum industry
  • Advanced Degree: 6 years.

Training Specializations:

  • Energy modeling
  • Knowledge of latest developments in exploration/production (upstream), pipeline transportation, refining (downstream) and modeling
  • Broad knowledge of various phases of oil operations and energy related environmental issues an asset


  • Communication skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Customer service orientation
  • Initiative
  • Integrity


  • English.

Status and Benefits

  • Members of the Secretariat are international employees whose responsibilities are not national but exclusively international. In carrying out their functions they have to demonstrate the personal qualities expected of international employees such as integrity, independence and impartiality.
  • The post is at grade E reporting to the Head, Energy Studies Department. The compensation package, including expatriate benefits, is commensurate with the level of the post.

Interested and qualified candidates are requested to fill in a Résumé and an Application Form which can be received from their Country’s Governor (PDF) (See Nigeria address below) for OPEC or Click Here (Ms Word) to download Application Form. In order for applications to be considered, the application form and resume must reach the OPEC Secretariat through the relevant Governor not later than the closing date stated above.

Federal Republic of Nigeria
Dr. Adedapo Odulaja,
Group General Manager, International Energy Relations (GGM IER),
Governor for OPEC,
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation – NNPC,
Block D 10th Floor, Room 04, NNPC Towers,
Abuja, Nigeria.

Click Here to Download Application Form (Ms Word)

Click Here for More Information

Application Deadline 30th June, 2021.

Note: Applicants must be nationals of Member Countries of OPEC and should not be older than 58 years.

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