NYSC 2020 Batch A Stream 2 Mobilization Update/News- Online Registration Date & Orientation Timetable

NYSC Batch A Stream 2 Online registration Date 2020- This is to inform the general public and prospective Corps Members (PCM) about the NYSC Batch A stream 2 online registration and orientation time table.

NYSC Batch A Stream 2 Update/News 2020

Are you a graduate? Have you been mobilized to serve your father’s land? Did you miss the NYSC batch A Stream 1 registration due to some reason? Are you in wait for the NYSC batch A Stream II registration? Then this post is for you.

Remember that the 2020 NYSC Batch A Stream 1 mobilization was concluded today 2nd March, 2020 and most PCMs are asking if there will be NYSC BATCH A STREAM 2 mobilization, online Registration?

Well this post will give you an answer to that question.

Remember that NYSC Batch B and C have Stream I and II, so Batch A is not an exception. Before we continue, we will like to share some vital information you should know about NYSC Mobilization and to avoid the issues and delay faced by the NYSC 2020 Batch A Stream 1 members. They include

  1. All PCMs should ensure that their name is on the JAMB Matriculation List [Click HERE]
  2. Ensure that your name has been uploaded in the Online NYSC Senate List [Click HERE] VERY IMPORTANT
  3. Ensure you have completed your clearance in your school early before the registration portal opening date.
  4. For those that have not done their JAMB Regularization [Click HERE], Ensure you do that very fast and get your admission letter
  5. Ensure you have printed your JAMB Original Result and Admission Letter with bar code on it.
  6. Most importantly ensure you have cleared yourself with your Institution and Students’ Affairs Department to get your DEGREE CERTIFICATE


NYSC Batch A Stream II 2020 Requirement for the online Registration

PCMs should get ready the below information;

  • JAMB registration Number.
  • Matriculation Number
  • Bio Data (First name, middle name and surname well placed on your certificate)
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • Marital status (Married women are to keep Marriage certificate, newspaper change of name, husband’s id card, Utility bill etc)
  • Passport (white Background)
  • Name of next of kin (two (2)) and their address, phone number etc
  • Name of school attended from primary – tertiary level, starting date and ending date
  • Shoe size, cloth size and trouser size
  • After or before the Online registration, you will be required to make payment either Online or via Bank

Note- A biometric capture (Thump Printing)  is required to complete your registration.

Things you need to know before you begin your online registration

The NYSC Batch A Stream 2 registration commencement date will be on 13th March, 2020 and this date is subjected to change at any time. Be assured that we will immediately inform you if there is any changes on the registration date via email or on this site.

Other things you need to know

How to Process NYSC Revalidation and Remobilization for Batch A, B & C (Stream I & II)

Know How to choose NYSC state and requirements for the NYSC camping

Know some NYSC camp rules, Things about PPA ie Primary place of Assignment after your 3 weeks in camp

Know some NYSC Top paying states when choosing your NYSC State

If you don’t like your current NYSC State, see easy steps on how to apply for REDEPLOYMENT/RELOCATION

How to Process NYSC Revalidation and Remobilization for Batch A, B & C (Stream I & II)

How To Register for NYSC 2020 Batch A Stream 2 Mobilization

Click  www.portal.nysc.org.ng

To get more updates 

13 thoughts on “NYSC 2020 Batch A Stream 2 Mobilization Update/News- Online Registration Date & Orientation Timetable”

  1. hello, pls i registered with batch A stream 1 but i wasn’t deployed to any state cos my dashboard says i can’t go with stream 1. Should I register again for stream 2 or can i edit the states I chose before because the states remaining then were not really okay to my choice.

    1. You are not to register again. During the stream 2 online registration, login to your dashboard to print your green slip and deployment letter

  2. Ogbuihi chinenyenwa prisca

    I have not register for batch A stream 2, I don’t no if registration will still commence or has it ended

  3. Hello, I am in batch A stream 2 but I am yet to get my call-up letter even though I have concluded the COVID-19 self screening test.

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