Npower Physical verification Update 2021/2022- NPOWER releases procedures for the 2021 physical verification Exercise (Date, Venue & Documents)


This is Npower current and most recent update as regard to the 2021 Npower physcial verification date, venue,all the required documents for the verification exercise are all listed in this post.

The Physical Verification stage is the process of physically verifying the Age, Gender, Residential Address and LGA, Academic Qualification, and NYSC completion of applicants.

Now you are aware that the Physical Verification will commence on  across country.

In the week of the 4th, States will have different start dates. For example, State A may start on Monday and State B will start on Wednesday. The important thing to note of, is that all states will commence physical verification in the week of the 4th.

Additional information to note

  • Your Physical Verification Center is your Residential Local Government Area Secretariat. That is the Local Government Area Secretariat of the address you filled during the online registration. If it is No. 76 adewayo street Ikeja Lagos, go to the Ikeja LGA Secretariat for your verification.
  • You are NOT required to go along with your BVN slip for physical verification.
  • Follow all instructions at verification the center. Be orderly. Be courteous.
  • Everything stated here apply to 2016 applicants who are on the waiting list. These applicants have already received an SMS that they are on the list.
  • Follow the instructions carefully to ensure proper verification

N-Power physical verification required documents

Now that you are been pre-selected, here is what you need for the physical verification exercise
Documents that shows your date of birth:
brith certificate, baptismal card, affidavit of age declaration,
vaild photo ID e.g national ID, Bio data page of your international passport, voters card.

Proof of address of residence:
National ID, Utility Bill example PHCN, water bill, waste bill etc or voters card or general knowledge of local area

Document that shows your academic qualification:
Bachelor’s degree, statement of result, transcript,
OND certificate, statement of result, transcript,
HND certificate, statement of result, transcript,
NCE certificate, statement of result, transcript
The certificate that corresponds with qualification specified in the application

NYSC document

  • NYSC certificate of discharge
  • NYSC exemption letter

If you have any questions, feel free to drop it on the comment box below or you join the discussion on our Facebook page.

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14 thoughts on “Npower Physical verification Update 2021/2022- NPOWER releases procedures for the 2021 physical verification Exercise (Date, Venue & Documents)”

    1. NYSC requirement states NYSC discharge letter or NYSC exemption letter, if what you have fall in any of the two documents listed, will be accepted

  1. pls sir are we to go with our Npower reference no.
    i have done all my best to retrieve it but i couldnt. thank you

  2. Pls admin, what is the means thru which the pre-selected candidates would be identified befr the commencemnt of physical verificatn.

    1. The verification officers have the names of the preselected candidates either by printed copies or downloaded in their computers.

  3. I am among the npower pre-selected candidates. I am yet to receive any sms on the physical verification. What should I do?

    1. No SMS will be sent to you please go to the verification centre from today from 4-14th December, 2017 and ensure you read this article to know your verification centre

  4. Ojeleye Florence oluwakemi

    Pls I wrote Npower teach test but i didn’t receive any message and I checked with my BVN No my name was not shortlisted what can I do?

  5. Pls I was shortlisted, Ido Local Government Oyo State, but nothing is happing at that local government till today pls what is happening?

    1. Try another LGA closer to you to see if the verification is ongoing there…… If you have done that please leave us a comment

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