Npower March 2020 Monthly Payment Update: See Date to receive your Stipend/Salary

This post is for all npower 2016 and 2017 beneficiaries as regards to the Npower Monthly salary payment for the month of March 2020. Am sure that most of you have received their February monthly stipends and you are awaiting the March payment soon.

We know that at this point in time the nation, all Nigerians need fund to stay at home during this period and you as a beneficiary of the Npower Scheme is entitled to receive your payment, but it is been delaye.

Be rest assured that you will receive your Npower payment this month before or after first week of April 2020, but know that your March Stipend will be paid  in full as usual.

Note that due to the recent outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) the March monthly salary payment to 2016 and 2017 N-Teach, N-Agro, N-Health, N-Knowledge, N-Software, N-Hardware, N-build, N-Tech and N-Tax Beneficiaries will be delayed a little.

The federal Government of Nigeria is fighting tooth and toe to control the spread of the virus in the country as currently more than 150 Nigerians have been diagnosed to be carriers of this COVID-19.

But all the payments and backlogs will be paid to all Npower beneficiaries before the April runs out, but we are not certain the particular day in the month.

Read– Teach for Nigeria Recruitment Registration (TFN) 2020/2021-

All Backlog Payments for 2016 and 2017 Npower Beneficiaries should follow the below instructions

We always remind those on Backlog Payments on things to do to get paid, please ensure your bank account/BVN corresponds with what you say is your account number. If it corresponds and you are still on Backlog Payments follow the steps below to resolve the issues.

  1. Upload a copy of you Appointment Letter
  2. Upload Place of Primary Assignment name
  3. Upload your Means of Identification
  4. Scan and upload your Bank account statement from the period you were not paid.
  5. All the above are to be carried out in your NPVN dashboard via

How to Login to NPower Registration Portal –

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