Nirsal Loan – A Guide To Apply & Receive Loan Without Delay

Nirsal Loan is awarded by Nigerian Microfinance Bank (NMFB) to small and medium scale business owners. Nirsal Loan is moderate in interest for any would be willing to take a loan from the microfinance Bank.

Nirsal Microfinance works with the Nigerian Central Bank to dish loans to individual or corporate bodies.

The Bank operates fairly with the Nigerian apex bank to awards loan to those in need. The bank has operates this way for years and maintains that status-quo for customers nationwide.

Nirsal Loan, How It Works

Nirsal Loan is great for any baby business owners throughout the country. The Microfinance Bank has presence in all the 36 states in Nigeria and the Federal Capital Territory (FTC).

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An individual needing loan to finance their business can approach Nirsal for Loan. The Loan application at Nirsal microfinance Bank is fast and no too much requirements needed. To apply, an individual or organisation should the following;

  • . A valid and registered business name
  • . A valid business or company address that is locatable
  • . A valid monthly transactions and salary payment to employees.
  • . A valid and verifiable national or international identity card.
  • . Business should be aged more than 5 years.
  • . Have a fair number of employees.


Nirsal Loan – How To Apply For Individual/Company

Nirsal Loan is quite easy to apply for and receive by individual who wish to do business with Nirsal. The Loan accessibility is made possible on their website.

Anyone wishing to tale a loan should visit the website, apply and submit details needed from you.

  • . An individual should choose a category to apply
  • . Choose either fresh applications or returning applicants. Returning applications is meant for those who have applied on the website before. Fresh application is meant foe people who is just applying.
  • . Enter your details correctly as required from you.
  • . Provide a valid bank account or open an account with Nirsal. The account details will be sent to you within 24 hours. The loan will be disbursed to the bank account you open with them.
  • . Sumbit your bank verification number (BVN) as you applied.


Application for Nirsal Loan is quite easy. If you wish to take loan from Nirsal, just visit the Microfinance Bank website and apply. Visit to apply for any Nirsal Loan.

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