Nigeria Police Recruitment 2023 Begins – Apply now for NPF Recruitment 2023/2024

Nigeria Police Force Recruitment 2023 Application Form is Out: NPF Begins Recruitment Registration – The Nigeria Police Force (NPF) Recruitment 2023 begins for all interested and qualified persons to apply or register using the application link portal as contained in this article. NPF Recruitment 2023 Application Form Portal is out for all to apply via

Is it true that Nigeria Police Force Recruitment 2023 Registration Application Form is out and open for registration?

Yes, the application form portal for Nigeria Police Force (NPF) recruitment is open and available for all to apply or register.

Is it true that NPF Recruitment 2023 has started?

The Police Service Commission (PSC) in conjunction with the Nigeria Police Force NPF has announced that its 2023 recruitment online applications portal will be available for interested and qualified Nigerians for enlistment into the Nigeria Police Force as Police Constable (Recruits) in few days from now.

When is NPF Recruitment 2023 starting?

The online application portal for NPF recruitment will be opened for the period of six weeks from 15th October to 26nd November 2023. where prospective applicants are required to complete the online application forms and submit some within the specified Period.

The portal will be open to both male and female Nigerians of good character.

When is NPF Recruitment 2023 Closing?

The online application portal for NPF recruitment will be opened for the period of six weeks to close on 26th November 2023.

Nigeria Police NPF Recruitment Application 2023 Requirement

According to the publication, the Method of Application and the Online Application requirements are as follows:

1. Applicants shall be of Nigerian origin by birth and must possess the National identification Number (NIN).

2. Applicants must possess a minimum of 5 credits in not more than 2 sittings in WAEC/NECO or Its equivalent with credit posses in English and Mathematics.

3. Applicants must be aged between 18-25 years.

4. Applicants must be medically, physically, and psychologically fit and must not be less than 1.67m tall for male and 1.64m toll for female.

5. Applicants must not have less than 8cm (34 inches) expanded Chest Measurement per mate.

6. Female Applicants must not be pregnant at the time of entry.

7. Applicants must have a valid home address and phone number

8. SSCE statements of result or certificates relating to examinations taken before 2015 will not be accepted.

9. Applicants must be free from ony financial embarrassment and not convicted of any criminal offence.

In addition, applicants are required to upload scanned copies of their SSCE, Birth and Certificates of Origin.

Applicants must print their completed online form. guarantor form and submit same at physical/credentials screening exercise center nationwide.

How to Apply for Nigeria Police Force Recruitment 2023

Interested applicants are advised to go to the NPF recruitment Portal Website: for the online

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