NASIMS Portal Login : Step by step Guide

NASIMS Portal Login : Step by step Guide. The Npower NASIMS Login portal is and its back online for Npower Batch C enrolment. The NASIMS Portal Login is now open for registration & verification.

The National Social Investment Management System is the central management platform for the administration and coordination of Social Investment Programmes under the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development.

The National Social Investment Program of Nigeria is a social welfare initiative created by the Federal government of Nigeria in 2015 under the direction of the National Social Investment Office. The Program was created to ensure a more equitable distribution of resources to vulnerable populations, including children, youth, and women. Under President Muhammadu Buhari the office has created four programs to address poverty and help increase economic development. Keep scrolling to go to the Nasims Portal Dashboard.

How to Login to NPower Portal

Kindly follow the steps below to login to the Nasims Npower Portal:

  • Click on login
  • Use the “Forgot Password” Option
  • Enter your N-POWER application email
  • Click on “Send Link”
  • Check your mail and follow the instructions to reset your password.
  • After successful reset of password, please login to update your records.

The follow steps will guide you to the NASIMS Dashboard Portal .

  • Click this link –
  • Click on login to access your  portal page
  • Use the “Forgot Password” Option
  • Enter your N-POWER application email
  • Click on “Send Link”
  • Check your mail and follow the instructions to reset your password.
  • After successful reset of password, please login to update your records in the NASIMS Test portal.
  • NASIMS Portal BVN Validation Process

For any npower batch c to take the ongoing test on NASIMS portal. He/she must validate BVN. This is an important part of the process. The NASIMS BVN validation is to confirm the authenticity of the npower applicants. To Validate you BVN successfully, follow the following steps:

login to your NASIMS Portal Dashboard

  • Click on the BVN validation link, enter your details including date of birth, phone number (used in receiving bank alert), email address, and your BVN number.
  • Click on the validate button.

Required Documents

To be able to access the National Social Investment Program of Nigeria – NASIMS  login, the following documents would be required:

  • Academics credentials such as O level certificates and degree certificates
  • All eligible n-power batch are expected to have obtained their NIN and linked such with their phone numbers
  • Applicants are to have their NYSC certificates ready
  • Print out of the data page during the course if registering for the program
  • Other documents that might be required are Bank verification number and account number, birth certificates and local government of origin.

As stated earlier, NASIMS batch c website is and we have also given you procedures on how you can login to the portal for the online test. You need to have an ID and a password. Soon we will provide you with guidelines to recover/reset password on nasims gov ng.

Kindly post in the comments section enquiries about the NPower Nasims Portal.

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