Naira to Dollar exchange rate record over 51 years (1972-2023)

Nigerian Naira to Dollar exchange rate record over 51 years (1972-2023)- Do you know once in history, Nigerian naira was higher than American Dollar?

The economy of the giants of Africa, Nigeria has for years experienced good and bad, better or worse time in years and presently. In time past our Naira was respected, feared and had value in the world and international market even to American dollar.

The name giant of Africa was not just given to Nigeria like that, several factor came into consideration before the name was given which Nigerian economy and currency was among, it will blow your mind that in time past, and in the history of Nigeria, Nigerian Naira had more value than American dollar, to emphasis on it; in 1983, one (1) dollar was 0.894 Naira ($1= N0.894) not even up to a Naira but 89Kobo.

Nigerian Naira to Dollar exchange rate record over 51 years (1972-2023)

Before we continue see table of the improvement and decline of Nigerian Naira to Dollar since after independence. Table of the exchange rate of dollar to Naira from 1972 till date

Year Dollar ($) Naira (N)
1972-1982 1 0.550-0.647
1983 1 0.724-0.894
1986 1 2.02
1987 1 4.02
1988 1 4.54
1989-1990 1 7.39
1991 1 8.04
1992 1 9.91
1993 1 17.30
1994 1 22.33
1995-1999 1 21.89
2000 1 85.98
2001 1 99-106
2002 1 109-113
2003 1 114-127
2004 1 127-130
2005 1 132-136
2006 1 128.50-131.80
2007 1 120-125
2008 1 115-120
2009 1 145-171
2010 1 148-154
2011 1 151-165
2012 1 155-161
2013 1 153-162
2014 1 170-199
2015 1 199-300
2016 1 300-320









2019-2022 1 365-600

2023 :  1 : 600 – 820

Read- How to earn cool dollars on facebook


Can you believe the large difference of the fall of Naira to dollars and even other currencies like Ghana Cedi? What really went wrong? Before our money had value and cost of living before was affordable but now it’s not like that anymore everyday dollar keeps rising

Ask yourself this question, when will all this get better? What can I do to help my country escape from poverty?

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2 thoughts on “Naira to Dollar exchange rate record over 51 years (1972-2023)”

  1. The youth are the problem of this country because they don’t want to work so they love bribing can you imagine that a man of 30years is still begin his parents for food when all the past leaders were under the age of 30 except only one that was 42 years but now because youths don’t want to work all the leaders now are old people and they don’t have the brain of calculation and some are wicked

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