JAMB Mop Up Exam Portal – www.jamb.gov.ng/2021mopup

Are you Confused about the Jamb Mop Up exam? Do you want to know how beneficial and important jamb mopup is to all jamb utme candidates?

JAMB MOP UP EXAM – www.jamb.gov.ng/2021mopup

Let’s quickly clear the confusion so you know what they mean when they say JAMB MOP UP EXAM.

First you might be asking, the meaning of Jamb mop-up exam?

The candidates who are qualified for the jamb mop-up exam?

How will I print jamb mopup slip?

Print JAMB Mop-Up Examination Slip

When to write my jamb mop up jamb exam?

What do I need to print jamb mopup examination slip?

Then you are on the right page as this article will give you a clear the confusion.

What is the Meaning of the Jamb Mop-Up Exam?

Jamb Mop-Up Exam is an exam which is set for a candidate who applied for Jamb, and could not meet up to write the exam or has an issue during the exam.

It is an exam that is set aside for Jamb candidates who have issues such as Jamb correction of centres, biometric verification e.t.c.

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Do you know that Jamb scheduled a date for the mop-up examination for more than eighteen thousand (18,000) students nationwide?

Which Candidates is Qualified for the Jamb Mop-Up Exam?

The Candidate who is eligible for The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) for the Exam is mention below.

  1. Candidates whose biometrics were not captured during the time period of the JAMB UTME examination.
  2. Candidates who have not seen their results since the end of the JAMB UTME examinations which took place and was not booked for exam malpractice.
  3. Applicants who were unable to print out their e-slip during the initial JAMB UTME EXAMINATIONS.
  4. Candidates whose centers were canceled for malpractice suspicion.

When will Jamb Mop Up Exam hold nationwide?

If you are a candidate who is shortlisted or maybe your centre was canceled and you are searching for when you are to write your Jamb mop exam, the jamb mopup exam will take place on Friday, August 6 2021.

Who are not Eligible for Jamb mop-up exam

  • Those, who were involved and caught in illicit acts and centres where a case of malpractice has been established against them would not partake in the rescheduled examinations.
  • If you are a candidate who misses the exam date giving to you in your jamb reprinting slip maybe for particular reasons have it in mind that you might not really be considered.

What do I need to print jamb mopup examination slip?

The requirements needed to print your jamb utme mop-up slip are your JAMB REGISTRATION NUMBER OR PHONE NUMBER used during online registration

How to Print JAMB Mop-Up Examination Slip 2021/2022

“The slips are to be printed from the JAMB website https://www.jamb.gov.ng using the candidates’ registration number.

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