JAMB Matriculation List- Check Your Name on JAMB Matriculation List 2023/2024 for NYSC Mobilization

JAMB Matriculation List Portal 2023/2024 – The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) have introduced a new policy called “JAMB MATRICULATION LIST” for all students that will be mobilized by the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC).

The JAMB Matriculation List Policy is set to clarify that a student is due for the NYSC mobilization activity. If your name is not on this JAMB Matriculation list, your application to NYSC scheme for the one year National service shall be declined.

What is Jamb Matriculation List for NYSC Mobilization 2023/2024

This new jamb matriculation list policy is aimed at denying graduates mobilization for the mandatory NYSC scheme if their names are not on the JAMB Matriculation List.

This post will provide details on how to access the JAMB Matriculation Portal, Create an account, know how to qualify for the JAMB matriculation List for NYSC Mobilization and to check your name on JAMB Matriculation List.

According to reports the new policy going to implemented in coming NYSC Mobilization therefore it is advised that all graduates who intend to be mobilized for NYSC should login into JAMB Mobilization List Portal to check if their name and details are on the JAMB Mobilization Portal.

What is the JAMB Matriculation List Portal

The official portal for the JAMB Matriculation List is www.jamb.org.ng/efacility/checkmatriculationlist

To qualify to be on the JAMB Matriculation List

To qualify for the NYSC JAMB Matriculation list follow the below instruction;

  1. Print out your Admission Letter Online from the e-Facility Platform
  2. Print out your Result Slip Online from the e-Facility Platform
  3. Verify the two documents with the admission officer in your Institution

How to Check your name on the JAMB Matriculation List for NYSC Mobilization

  • Click the link jamb.org.ng/efacility/checkmatriculationlist
  • Select the year you wrote your jamb
  • Put your jamb registration number
  • Your details will display
  • Congratulations
  • Head to do other clearance for your NYSC mobilization

Also Read- Click here to check the NYSC Senate List

How to Create Profile to print out your Jamb Admission Letter and Result Slip

Important Notice- You are advised to create an account with a valid email address because all vital information will be sent to the email you supplied;

  • Sign Up (e-Mail Verification) get your code
  • Verify your code sent to your mail
  • Fill in your details correctly
  • Click create
  • Login and print out your JAMB admission Letter and Result Slip

Also Read- NYSC Registration and requirements.

JAMB Matriculation List- Check Your Name on JAMB Matriculation List 2023 for NYSC Mobilization

A must read by any prospective NYSC member

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