Jamb Cut off Mark 2020 Update – See the Latest News on Post UTME Cut off Mark 2020

JAMB Cut off mark  2020 – Since the conclusion of the 2020 Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB), Jamb candidates are eager to know the next phase of the Admission process which is the JAMB national cut off mark for all tertiary institutions.

Are you looking for the JAMB cut off mark 2020? Most candidates have been asking about the 2020 utme cut off mark for post utme?

Good news to all jamb candidates 2020 as there is hope and improvement as regards to the jamb 2020 cutoff mark.

Remember that the jamb cut off mark is meant to be out some weeks after the conclusion of the jamb examination, but due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and its fast spreading, the Federal Government of Nigeria had to shut down all activities that will lead to gathering of people.

News About JAMB 2020 Cut-off Mark

According to the new development as regards to the 2020 JAMB cut off mark, the Board has scheduled to hold a meeting to on policy, JAMB CUT OFF MARK and 2020 ADMISSION GUIDELINES

It reads “The meeting, in addition to other deliberations, would take a stand on concessional and acceptable minimum admissions standards (JAMB Cut off Mark) to be applied in all admissions to be undertaken by all tertiary institutions in Nigeria,” The 2020 policy meeting will hold virtually according the Board head. [READ MORE]

THE 2020 JAMB CUT OFF MARK FOR ADMISSION IS 160 for Universities, 120 for polytechnics and 100 for college of education.

How The 2020 JAMB Cut Off Mark Is Set/Agreed

The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board JAMB releases the CUT OFF MARK of any concluded JAMB examination after the examination has been concluded. According to the previous JAMB cut off mark, it is done by accumulating all the marks of the students / candidates to get the average of all the scores, before releasing the cut off mark for the year.

Also the cut off mark for the year is set by the performance of the candidates in that year’s examination, if the performance of the JAMB is low, definitely the cut off mark for that year will be reduced to the lowest minimum, likewise the performance of the student is high, the JAMB cut off mark for that year will be high.

In 2014 – 2016, the JAMB cut off was slashed from 200 to 180 NATIONAL CUT OFF MARK.

In 2017 which we taught that the cut off mark will be retained, it was then slashed down from 180 to 120 national cut of mark, polytechnics and colleges of education at 100, while that of innovative enterprising institutes was at 110.

1n 2018 – 2019 the cut off mark was then reduced again to 120 national cut off mark.

So from past years, we can deduce that the jamb 2020 cut off mark might be between 120-160 UTME Score.


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