
IPPIS 2024/2025 Registration: IPPIS Employee Registration User Manual & Guide

IPPIS USER MANUAL 2023/2024- This post describes the step by step procedure for users in completing the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System- IPPIS registration forms on the employee data collection portal.

IPPIS Registration 2023/2024 – The integrated personnel and payroll information system is a web based application for employee data collection. To access the application, you would require:

  1. An internet enabled device such as a computer system
  2. A browser of your choice on the computer
  3. Microsoft Office Suite
  4. Access to the internet

If all of the above requirements have been met, login to the ippis portal via


IPPIS Complete Registration User Manual 2023/2024

Step 1. How To Login the IPPIS Registration Portal

 To login to the portal, you will require a reference id and token which can be gotten from your HR in your MDA/ UTH. Once you’ve gotten your login credentials, follow the steps listed below  to login:

  1. Enter IPPIS Url ( in your preferred browser
  2. Enter your reference number
  3. Enter your registration token
  4. Click on login button to login

Note: Your token has an expiry period of 2 weeks. If encounter any difficulty in logging in, please contact your HR

Step 2. How To Update Your IPPIS Personal Information

Once you login, you will be redirected to the personal information form which allows you to make updates to your personal information since most of your personal details has been filled by your HR. To update your personal information:

  1. Select Title
  2. Select Gender
  3. Enter place of birth (This field accepts alphabets only)
  4. Select marital status
  5. Enter surname birth (This field accepts alphabets only)
  6. Enter spouse name (This field accepts alphabets only)
  7. Enter number of children(This field accepts numbers only)
  8. Select Nationality
  9. Select state of origin
  10. Select LGA origin
  11. Enter hometown (This field accepts alphabets only)
  12. Select religion
  13. Enter nationality
  14. Enter passport ID (This field accepts alpha numeric characters)
  15. Enter driver ID (This field accepts alphanumeric characters)
  16. Select Blood Group
  17. Enter Contact Address (This field accepts alphabets only)
  18. Enter Contact Town (This field accepts alphabets only)
  19. Select Contact State
  20. Select Contact LGA
  21. Enter Permanent Address (This field accepts alphabets only)
  22. Enter Permanent Town (This field accepts alphabets only)
  23. Select Permanent State
  24. Select Permanent LGA
  25. Enter home phone (This field accepts numbers only)

Click on update details button to save changes made


Step 3. How To Fill The IPPIS Employment Form

This form allows you to input your employment information. To fill this form, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Click on employment information menu on the navigation pane
  2. Enter office room (This field accepts alphanumeric characters)
  3. Enter office phone number (This field accepts numbers only)
  4. Select date of present appointment
  5. Select confirmation date
  6. Select department
  7. Select section
  8. Select unit
  9. Enter job town (This field accepts alphabets only)
  10. Select cadre
  11. Enter job post (This field accepts alphabets only)
  12. Enter GI in 2004 (This field accepts alphanumeric characters)
  13. Enter step in 2004 (This field accepts numbers only)
  14. Enter trade union (This field accepts alphanumeric characters)
  15. Select COOP
  16. Enter staff ID (This field accepts alphanumeric characters)
  17. Enter establishment number(This field accepts alphanumeric characters)
  18. Select incremental date
  19. Select employment type
  20. Select contract exit date
  21. Enter supervisors post (This field accepts alphabets only)
  22. Select bank type
  23. Select bank name
  24. Select bank branch
  25. Enter account number (This field accepts numbers only)
  26. Select account type
  27. Select PFA
  28. Enter pin (This field accepts alphanumeric characters)
  29. Enter tax ID (This field accepts alphanumeric characters)
  30. Click on save employment information button


Step 4. How To Fill The IPPIS Dependants Form

This form allows you to input your dependants information. Follow the steps listed below the diagram to fill the dependants form.

  1. Click on dependant menu on the navigation pane
  2. Click on add dependant button
  3. Enter dependant surname (This field accepts alphabets only)
  4. Enter dependants other name (This field accepts alphabets only)
  5. Select dependant sex
  6. Select relation to dependant
  7. Select dependant date of birth
  8. Click on save dependant button to save
  9. Click on edit to make changes to dependant details
  10. Click on delete to delete dependant


Step 5. How To Fill The Next Of Kin Form

This form allows you to input your next of kin details. To fill this form, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Click on next of kin menu on the navigation pane
  2. Click on add next of kin button
  3. Enter next of kin full name (This field accepts alphabets only)
  4. Enter next of kin address (This field accepts alphanumeric characters)
  5. Select gender
  6. Select next of kin relationship
  7. Enter next of kin phone number (This field accepts numbers only)
  8. Enter email address (This field accepts alphanumeric  characters)
  9. Enter city (This field accepts alphabets only)
  10. Select state
  11. Select LGA
  12. Click on add next of kin button to save
  13. Click on edit button to edit next of kin information


Step 6. How To Fill The IPPIS Emergency Contact Form


This form allows you to input your emergency contact details in case of emergency. To fill this form, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Click on emergency contact menu on the navigation pane
  2. Click on add new emergency contact button
  3. Enter full name
  4. Select gender
  5. Select relationship
  6. Enter emergency phone number
  7. Enter emergency address (This field accepts alphanumeric characters)
  8. Enter city (This field accepts alphabets only)
  9. Select state
  10. Select LGA
  11. Click on add emergency contact to save
  12. Click on edit to edit emergency contact details
  13. Click on delete to delete emergency contact details


Step 7. How to Fill the IPPIS Educational Form

This form allows you to input your education details. To fill this form, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Click on education menu on the navigation pane
  2. Click on add educational information
  3. Enter institution
  4. Select institution type
  5. Enter course name (This field accepts alphabets only)
  6. Select qualification
  7. Enter grade (This field accepts alphanumeric characters)
  8. Select start date
  9. Select end date
  10. Click on add educational info button to save changes made
  11. Click on edit button to make changes
  12. Click on delete button to delete educational details

Step 8. How To Fill The Courses Form

 This form allows you to input details of the training or courses you have taken. To fill this form, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Click on courses menu on the navigation pane
  2. Click on add training details button
  3. Enter course name (This field accepts alphabets only)
  4. Select venue country
  5. Select start date
  6. Select number of days
  7. Enter organizer
  8. Click on add training details button to save
  9. Click on edit button to edit details
  10. Click on delete button to delete

Step 9. How To Fill the Promotions Form

This form allows you to input your promotion details. To fill this form, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Click on promotion menu on the navigation pane
  2. Click on add promotions button
  3. Enter previous job title (This field accepts alphabets only)
  4. Enter new job title (This field accepts alphabets only)
  5. Enter previous grade (This field accepts alphanumeric characters)
  6. Enter assigned grade (This field accepts alphanumeric characters)
  7. Enter old step (This field accepts numbers only)
  8. Enter new step (This field accepts numbers only)
  9. Select national start date
  10. Select effective start date
  11. Click on add promotion details button to save
  12. Click on edit button to make changes
  13. Click on delete button to delete promotion details


Step 10. How To Fill The Transfer Form

 This form allows you to input your transfer information details. To fill this form, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Click on transfer menu on the dashboard
  2. Click on add transfer details
  3. Select start date
  4. Select end date
  5. Select transfer ministry
  6. Enter transfer division (This field accepts alphabets only)
  7. Enter transfer department (This field accepts alphabets only)
  8. Select transfer section
  9. Enter transfer town(This field accepts alphabets only)
  10. Enter transfer type (This field accepts alphabets only)
  11. Select transfer unit (This field accepts alphabets only)
  12. Enter transfer job (This field accepts alphabets only)
  13. Click on add transfer details button to save
  14. Click on edit button to make changes
  15. Click on delete button to delete transfer information


Step 11.  How To Fill The Employment History Form

 This form allows you to input your employment history details. To fill this form, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Click on history menu on the navigation pane
  2. Click on add employment history button
  3. Enter employer name (This field accepts alphabets only)
  4. Select employment start date
  5. Select employment end date
  6. Enter last position (This field accepts alphabets only)
  7. Select exit mode
  8. Click on save history button to save changes
  9. Click on edit button to make changes
  10. Click on delete button to delete employment history detail

Step 12. How To View The IPPIS Summary Page

 This page shows a summary of the navigation menu that has been successfully completed in green color and yet to be completed in orange color. To view the summary page, follow the steps listed below the diagram

  1. Click on summary menu on the navigation pane
  2. Click on view this section button to update any of the forms
  3. Click on the check box for final submission

Step 13. How To Print IPPIS Slip

This page is where you can print the IPPIS form for submission in your MDA for biometric enrollment. To print the form, follow the steps listed below the diagram

  1. Click on print slip on the navigation pane to display your slip

Note: Once you’ve printed your slip, you cannot make changes to your information. If need to make changes arise, please contact your HR.

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