How to Write an Irresistible CV for that your Dream Job – Best CV Writing

Curriculum Vitae CV is an important tool in every company, organization or firm during any recruitment or employment of new workers. So writing a CV is good, but writing an irresistible CV is very important.

Unemployment is a broadly discussed matter in every country nowadays which sparkgist has been updated you our reader on all the current and available jobs around you, but all these jobs have one general and regular demand which is curriculum vitae (CV).

What is Curriculum Vitae (CV)?

CV is an in-depth piece of document which can be in two or more pages and it contains a high level of detail about you, your achievements. It includes your personal data, educational and professional history/qualifications, awards, publications etc.


In other words, CV is a detailed information about you which is used during any job application into a firm, organization or company to know about you before presenting yourself.

The general view/assessment of any applicant is the CV, because it contains relevant details and these details are arranged in a manner that is appealing to the company, firm, and organization.

Perhaps, if you are worried on how to write a CV for that your dream job, worry no more because there is no one best way to write a CV.  CV is giving a detail description of yourself and all your qualifications so it can be written in any way comfortable to you or the employer.

Tips to note before writing a CV

  • Every job application has its own CV format. Know the type of CV that is suitable for the job and acceptable by the employer
  • Your details should be are clearly listed out.
  • All information must be concise. Not all employer need 3 paged CV
  • Grammar, spelling and all content must be accurate and well spelt.


  1. Personal Details: Some CV starts with your name widely written at the top of the page followed by your address, phone number, email address, Objective, date of birth, sex, state of origin, L.G. A, place of birth, religion etc
  2. Education and Qualifications: this contains your educational background and it is arranged from higher degree obtained to the lower degree (Example Ph.D, M.Sc, PGD, B.Sc, O’level/A’level, FSLC.) with name of institution, address of institution, degree obtained, commencement date and date of completion. Mention the grades if they are outstanding, it is an  additional advantage, but if not, leave it at the degree obtained.
  3. Other qualification– These are qualifications aside from educational sector, it could be your professional certificates, skill acquisition programmed certificate, safety programme etc.
  4. Work experience– Work experience is where you have worked before. It is wise that you include any work experience that is related to the job you are applying for, this will increase your chance of getting the job. It is written as; Name of organization, address, position held, commencement date and completion date.
  5. Interests /Achievements– this part must be simple, short and straight to the point, ensure you use bullets to separate the interests. This aspect shows evidence of leadership, skills such as planning, organizing, team working or building, awards etc.
  6. Hobbies – like dancing, reading, cooking etc whatever you love doing
  7. Skills and abilities  Skill like driving, computing (how to use Microsoft office). Abilities what you are capable of doing e.g capable of working under pressure or under supervised or unsupervised conditions.
  8. References– Not all employers, organization, firm, company are really interested in checking the references you have provided at the application stage, if this part have not been requested, you can say “References are available on request.”


Hope you can now write a good CV of your own, if you can’t then take a good look at the post again, or you can send us your CV which you have written (soft copy i.e MS Word Copy) and our team would look into it. You can find our email in our contact us page.

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