Government of Québec Merit Scholarship Application Form 2022/2023

Government of Québec Merit Scholarship Application Form 2022/2023 is out register here. We are delighted to inform you about the 2022/2023 Government of Québec Merit Scholarship Registration Form.

The Québec Merit Scholarship program has a component open to students of all countries and six specific components reserved for students from Brazil, China, India, Israel, Mexico and Wallonia. These specific components arise from agreements concluded between Québec and foreign governments.

The Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT) is responsible for managing the program. It was commissioned by the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur du Québec (MEES) which provides the funding.

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These scholarships are intended for foreign students or researchers from all research sectors (health, humanities and social sciences, arts and letters, natural sciences, and engineering) pre-selected by a Québec university, Synchronex (a CCTT), the China Scholarship Council (CSC), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico (SRE) or the National Council on Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACYT) who wish to begin or continue studies or research activities in Québec. No research sector is given preference.

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  • Doctoral research scholarships (V1, 1B, 1C, 1I, 1IS, 1M, 1W): $25,000 a year.
  • Postdoctoral scholarships (V2, 2B, 2C, 2I, 2M): $35,000 for one year (cannot be renewed).
  • Short-term research or professional development scholarships (V3, 3B, 3C, 3I, 3IS, 3M, 3W): $3,000 a month for a period of up to four months

Requirements for Government of Québec Merit Scholarship 2022/2023

  • Must meet all eligibility requirements at the closing date of the competition (a different closing date to be confirmed for students pre-selected by CSC);
  • Must have been pre-selected by a university or Synchronex (a CCTT);
  • For the Québec-China scholarship, must be pre-selected by the CSC;
  • Cannot have already received a Merit Scholarship for Foreign Students from MEES, FRQNT or the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC);
  • Cannot be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada;
  • Cannot have applied for permanent resident status under Canadian immigration law.

How to register for  Government of Québec Merit Scholarship 2022/2022

To register online – Visit the Official Webpage of the Government of Québec Merit scholarships 2022/2023

Have a temporary resident visa or electronic travel authorization to come to Canada. More information about this is available at this website:


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