FRSC Recruitment Interview/Screening Date, Venue 2018 is finally out Check Here-

FRSC Recruitment Interview/Screening Date, Venue 2018 is finally out- This is to inform you that the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has commenced the next phase of its recruitment exercise.  FRSC screening exercise date, venue is finally out. The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has announced the interview date and venue check here.

Also Read- FRSC Final List 2018- FRSC OBS List of shortlisted candidates and training commencement Date CLICK HERE

Click Here for FRSC Officer and Marshal Inspectorate Screening/Aptitude Test Date, Venue


Following your online application to the Federal Road Safety Commission and subsequent first level screening exercise, you are directed to report for an interview at your State of Origin as follows:


TIME: 0600hrs

DATE: Friday 26th – Saturday 27th October, 2018

 All applicants of the FRSC Road marshal Assistant (RMA) are advised to login to their EMAIL ADDRESS (INBOX or SPAM BOX) used during the online registration to print out their FRSC INVITATION LETTER FOR INTERVIEW.

The letter contains your interview details like venue, date and time for interview.

For all applicants who applied for the FRSC Officer and Marshal Inspectorate categories should CLICK HERE

Requirement need for the FRSC Interview

Physical Appearance of Applicants:

Applicants should appear in white shorts, white round neck T-shirts, Canvass and socks.

Note- Candidates will only be admitted into the venue upon presentation of the printout of summary data page and this email notification. CLICK HERE TO PRINT YOUR SUMMARY DATA PAGE

In addition, applicants are to come with the following:

Originals of credentials (for sighting)

  • 1 set of photocopies of the credentials
  • 1 passport sized photograph
  • Writing Materials

The following documents are applicable to all  Road Marshal Cadre (RMA) applicants only

  • FSLC/Testimonial
  • Certificate of State of origin
  • Birth Certificate/Declaration of Age
  • Trade Test for Artisans
  • Valid Drivers’ Licence for Drivers

 FRSC Interview venue 2018

For the interview venue for your FRSC exercise CLICK HERE

RECOMMENDED- CLICK FRSC Past Questions & Answers for Interview/Screening Exam 2018- Download PDF Here

Note, If there is any other update or changes made, we will update you via updating this page… Thanks

FRSC Recruitment Interview/Screening Date, Venue 2018 is finally out Check Here-



115 thoughts on “FRSC Recruitment Interview/Screening Date, Venue 2018 is finally out Check Here-”

  1. So far i see only invitation for ROAD MARSHAL ASSISTANT(RMA),what about THE OFFICER CADET invitation for the FRSC exam.

  2. playing sir.. am a bit confused concerning the date.i got the mail. but they didn’t specify the actually date I will be going for the interview. the day outlined is 26th and 27th. plus I need to be clarified on the date issues

  3. Adewumi kehinde

    Please sir I applyed for Masha inspector And I’m not seeing any message, my question is that is it only RMA that is called for the interview? If yes can other who applyed for the other post should be expecting or we should forget about it?

    1. The publication is for only RMA, so keep checking your email for more update and we will also update you on any new changes or information as regards to the FRSC interview… Keep visiting this site

  4. Afutuelu Victor chukwunonso

    Good day Sir, please am yet to receive an email pertaining to the interview.

    Can I still go for the interview?

  5. Gbungu Ngumimi Naomi

    sir, i went for the interview without email slip and i was not allow to partake in the interview and my file was not found and some people saw their file without the email slip why?

    1. Congratulations….. proceed to the screening centre for your interview…. Please do share your experience here for others to learn.. Thank you

    1. The interview requirement for Marshal Inspector will soon be out and we will notify you. Keep visiting this site for more update

    1. The interview venue for Inspectorate cadre of FRSC be scheduled by the FRSC recruitment body and we will notify you on that. Keep visiting this site for more updates

    1. The interview is for Road Marshal Assistance (RMA). Other categories will be announced soon. Keep visiting this site for more update

    1. Sure we will keep visiting this site and check your email as well. You can subscribe for free with your email address for instant notification

  6. Pls,sir.I just see the exam date for the interview RMA but I missed the there any provision for those that missed the date,I am just aware for it.

    1. Can’t say yes or no till if you receive notification for the exam, its a yes, but if you do not receive any notification it is a no

    1. Soon… It will be communicated to you in this site. Subscribe for free with your email address to receive instant notification

  7. greetings sir, please keep me posted with regards to the officer cadre exams and interview.
    thumbs up for a wonderful work you are doing. God bless you !

  8. Good morning sparkgist….I applied for road Marshall inpsector nce holder…..have they call for cbt?, If , where is the venue and date in ibadan…thank you

    1. No CBT exam will be announced soon and we will update you. Keep checking the site and subscribe for free with your email address to receive instant notification

    1. You checked the officer and marshal inspectorate list and your name is not on the list.. It implies you where not invited for the interview/aptitude test

    1. No.. this one is strictly on invitation because there are code for individuals to used for the exam as stated in the list, but check your email if there is any notification from FRSC

  9. Adewumi kehinde

    I checked the list I don’t see my name yet and I don’t receive any message!! Are they combined both the list together??

  10. Fawei Kemezitei Tonbra

    I did the physical screening but didn’t receive the emai invitation for exam/ interview. Frsc please notify me on what to do

  11. Please ,the list I saw I don’t understand it is it for all or another list Will still be upload. I apply for officer cadre.

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