Forestry and Wildlife Management Project Topics and Material (Faculty of Agriculture)

Forestry and Wildlife Management Project Topics- This article covers the list of project topics especially for the Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management in the Faculty of Agriculture. For all Forestry and wildlife management students looking for final year project topics to submit to your project supervisors for approval, this post is for you as it cover different project topics for the Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management.

For project topics in other departments in the faculty of agriculture click on your department below

Department of Agric-Economics and Extension Click Here

Department of Animal Science  and Fisheries Click Here

Department of Crop and Soil Science  Click Here



  1. The contribution of non timber forest products to rural household income
  2. Managerial competence on wildlife and forest conservation in Nigeria
  3. A study on the effects of rural-urban migration on agricultural production in Nigeria
  4. Forest resource exploitation on economic well-being of farming households in Rivers State
  5.  Road transportation mode in the marketing of agricultural products. (a case study of Oyibo Local Government Area, Rivers State
  6. A study on the roles of rural women farmers on the economic development of Rivers State
  7. Dangers and obtainable materials in forestry and wildlife
  8. The impact of road network on the selling of agricultural products in rivers state (a case study of Ikwerre (Elele) L.G.A, Rivers State)
  9. A study on the impact of the distribution and utilization of oil palm on the socio economic development of Nigeria
  10. Road transportation mode in the marketing of agricultural products.
  11. The evaluation and characterization of some rubber growing soils
  12. Importance of wildlife towards the growth of Nigerian economy
  13. The effect of forest resources exploitation on economic development and livelihood/well-being of farmers
  14.  the effect of crude oil spillage on agricultural farm land
  15. Effect of rural-urban migration on agricultural production
  16. The reasons for low production of timber in rivers state: a case study of Emohua Local Government Area, River State
  17. The level of community participation in the conservation of natural resources in Emohua Local Government Area, River State

More topics will be updates soon>>>>


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