Federal Government 3 Million Technical Talent Programme 2023/2024 – Register Here

Federal Government 3Million Technical Talent Programme 2023/2024 – The Federal Government, through the Ministry of Communications, Innovation, and Digital Economy, has launched the 3MTT programme, targeted at generating a pipeline of technical talents across Nigeria.

We are seeking training providers with expertise in training any of the aforementioned skills. You’ll play a key part in training and placing 30,000 technical talents across Nigeria in this first phase.

In line with the Ministry’s 1%-10%-100% implementation approach, this is a call for application for training providers and interested Nigerians (who want to be trained) for the pilot phase targeting 30,000 tech talents across Nigeria

The programme is a critical part of the Renewed Hope Agenda, aimed at building Nigeria’s technical talent backbone to power our digital economy and position Nigeria as a net talent exporter.

Are you interested in acquiring technical skills to become more competitive in the local and global technical talent marketplace?

Skills in Focus:

For the first phase, we will focus on these twelve (12) technical skills:

  1. Software Development
  2. UI/UX Design
  3. Data Analysis & Visualisation
  4. Quality Assurance
  5. Product Management
  6. Al/Machine Learning
  7. Cybersecurity
  8. Game Development
  9. Cloud Computing
  10. Dev Ops
  11. Animation
  12. Data Science

How to apply for Federal Government 3Million Technical Talent Programme 2023/2024

Interested and qualified applicants should apply online via the following links:

  1. For Fellows: You will receive training in specific technical skills that will empower you to be competitive in the local and global technical talent marketplace. Apply here https://fellow.3mtt.training
  2. For Training Providers: Organisations looking to join our pool of training providers to train 30,000 fellows across Nigeria as we design an optimal approach to training and placing technical talents. Apply here https://provider.3mtt.training

Selection And Training for Successful Beneficiaries:

Selection of Training Providers: 1st Nov 2023. Training Start date: 15th Nov 2023.

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