Enugu State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Recruitment 2022 (84 Positions)

Enugu State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Recruitment 2022  – SUMAS invite suitably qualifies candidates who wish to work with them to apply for the numerous job vacancies positions that are currently available. Applicants can apply for any of the positions listed at Enugu State University of Medical and Applied Sciences recruitment portal.

This Enugu State University of Medical and Applied Sciences job recruitment are available until the specified closing date.

Enugu State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Academic Staff Job Vacancies

1.) Professor (Clinical Medicine and Dentistry)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 9

2.) Director of Works & Services
Location: Enugu

3.) Senior Lecturer (Clinical Medicine and Dentistry)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 9

4.) Lecturer II (Clinical Medicine and Dentistry)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 9

5.) Associate Professor / Reader (Clinical Medicine and Dentistry)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 9

6.) Lecturer I (Clinical Medicine and Dentistry)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 9

7.) Senior Lecturer (Basic Clinical Sciences)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 6

8.) Associate Professor / Reader (Basic Clinical Sciences)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 6

9.) Director of Physical Planning
Location: Enugu

10.) Lecturer II (Basic Clinical Sciences)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 6

11.) Lecturer I (Health Sciences)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 6

12.) Senior Lecturer (Basic Medical Sciences)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 3

13.) Associate Professor / Reader (Basic Medical Sciences)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 3

14.) Assistant Lecturer (Clinical Medicine and Dentistry)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 9

15.) Lecturer II (Basic Medical Sciences)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 3

16.) Lecturer I (Basic Clinical Sciences)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 6

17.) Chief Security Officer
Location: Enugu

18.) Associate Professor / Reader (Health Sciences)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 6

19.) Senior Lecturer (Health Sciences)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 6

20.) Lecturer II (Health Sciences)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 6

21.) Lecturer I (Pharmacy)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 6

22.) Associate Professor / Reader (Pharmacy)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 6

23.) Senior Lecturer (Pharmacy)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 6

24.) Assistant Registrar
Location: Enugu

25.) Assistant Lecturer (Basic Clinical Sciences)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 6

26.) Lecturer I (Engineering and Built Environment)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 8

27.) Associate Professor / Reader (Engineering & Built Environment)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 8

28.) Administrative Officer I
Location: Enugu

29.) Lecturer II (Pharmacy)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 6

30.) Assistant Lecturer (Basic Medical Sciences)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 3

31.) Senior Lecturer (Engineering and Built Environment)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 8

32.) Administrative Officer II
Location: Enugu

33.) Lecturer II (Engineering and Built Environment)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 8

34.) Lecturer I (Life Sciences and Communication Technology)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 5

35.) Associate Professor / Reader (Life Sciences and Communication Technology)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 5

36.) Assistant Lecturer (Health Sciences)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 6

37.) Professor (Basic Clinical Sciences)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 6

38.) Senior Lecturer (Life Sciences and Communication Technology)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 5

39.) Lecturer II (Life Sciences and Communication Technology)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 5

40.) Associate Professor / Reader (General and Entrepreneurial Studies)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 4

41.) Assistant Lecturer (Pharmacy)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 6

42.) Senior Lecturer (General and Entrepreneurial Studies)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 4

43.) Lecturer I (General and Entrepreneurial Studies)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 4

44.) Professor (Basic Medical Sciences)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 3

45.) Assistant Lecturer (Engineering & Built Environment)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 8

46.) Higher Library Officer
Location: Enugu

47.) Professor (Health Sciences)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 6

48.) Assistant Lecturer (Life Sciences and Communication Technology)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 5

Enugu State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Non-Academic Staff Job Vacancies

49.) Quantity Surveyor II
Location: Enugu

50.) Library Officer
Location: Enugu

51.) Executive Officer
Location: Enugu

52.) Professor (Pharmacy)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 6

53.) Assistant Lecturer (General and Entrepreneurial Studies)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 4

54.) Technologist II
Location: Enugu

55.) Town Planning Officer
Location: Enugu

56.) Quantity Surveyor I
Location: Enugu

57.) Town Planning Officer II
Location: Enugu

58.) Higher Executive Officer
Location: Enugu

59.) Architect I
Location: Enugu

60.) Building Officer
Location: Enugu

61.) Professor (Engineering and Built Environment)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 8

62.) Building Officer II
Location: Enugu

63.) Hall Supervisor
Location: Enugu

64.) Data Processing Assistant
Location: Enugu

65.) Architect II
Location: Enugu

66.) Engineer II
Location: Enugu

67.) Engineer I
Location: Enugu

68.) Professor (Life Sciences and Communication Technology)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 5

69.) Motor Driver / Mechanic
Location: Enugu

70.) Senior System Analyst
Location: Enugu
Click Here To View Detail

71.) Lecturer II (General and Entrepreneurial Studies)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 4

72.) Professor (General and Entrepreneurial Studies)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 4

73.) System Analyst II
Location: Enugu

74.) Senior Technologist
Location: Enugu

75.) Senior Accountant
Location: Enugu

76.) Principal System Analyst
Location: Enugu

77.) Technologist I
Location: Enugu

78.) Accountant I
Location: Enugu

79.) Accountant II
Location: Enugu

80.) Higher Hall Supervisor
Location: Enugu

81.) Internal Auditor I
Location: Enugu

82.) Internal Auditor II
Location: Enugu

83.) Senior Library Officer
Location: Enugu

84.) Lecturer I (Basic Medical Sciences)
Location: Enugu
Slot: 3


Enugu State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Recruitment Requirements

The basic Enugu State University of Medical and Applied Sciences recruitment requirements is clearly stated at the company website.

The requirements for Enugu State University of Medical and Applied Sciences recruitment 2022 is that the interested candidate must have undergone the basic educational training such as NCE, OND, HND or B.Sc. degree. Applicants for the HND or B.Sc. degree position must have done the NYSC scheme, are required by the Nigerian government.

Read – Common Curriculum Vitae/Resume (CV) Mistakes – 5 Costly Blunders/Error Found on Applicants CV

How to Apply for Enugu State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Recruitment 2022

To fill the Enugu State University of Medical and Applied Sciences recruitment form, you are to visit the Enugu State University of Medical and Applied Sciences recruitment portal job portal  by clicking on the link below;

Interested and qualified candidates should forward a soft copy of their Application with all the supporting Documents and Curriculum Vitae to: sumasrecruit@gmail.com and copy sumasrecruit@yahoo.com The curriculum vitae should follow the format below:

  • Full Name (Surname first)
  • Date and Place of Birth
  • Nationality
  • State of Origin and Local Government
  • Permanent Home Address
  • Present Postal Address including GSM and email
  • Marital Status
  • Name of Spouse (if any)
  • Educational Institutions attended with address
  • Academic and Professional Qualifications obtained with Dates (Enclose certificates)
  • Working Experience including full details of former and present posts
  • Community Service
  • List of Publications (where applicable)
  • Conferences Attended (attach evidence)
  • Honours and Distinctions (attach evidence)
  • Extra Curricula Activities
  • Position Applied for
  • Names and Addresses of Three (3) Referees
  • Any other Relevant Information
  • Attestation.

Read – How to Write A Professional Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Job Application – Spark Gist


  • No hard copies of Application will be received (only soft copies should be sent to the email addresses provided).
  • The Application Letter, Curriculum Vitae and all the supporting documents should be in a single folder.
  • The name of the folder should be the candidate’s name and post applied for.
  • Any double application and/or double submission of application will be automatically rejected.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for verbal and quantitative aptitude tests.
  • Only those that pass the tests will be invited for the final oral interview.


Application Closing Date
16th November, 2022.