Czech Republic Scholarship 2024/2025 (Fully Funded) Apply Now

Czech Republic Scholarship Programme (Fully Funded) 2024/2025 for Developing Countries – Are you looking for scholarship opportunities? Czech Republic Scholarship Programme applications is open for interested and qualified candidates apply for 2024/2025 Czech Republic Scholarship Programme. The programme is fully funded and is sponsored by Czech RepublicThe Government of the Czech Republic offers scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance in support of the study of foreign nationals from developing and specific third countries listed below at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic.

See the application process, application form, entry requirements, qualifications, Czech Republic Scholarship Programme applications closing date, and other registration processes for interested candidates below.

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Eligible Countries and Study Programmes

Scholarships for the academic year 2024/2025 are offered only to the citizens of the following countries:

  • Belarus,
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • Cambodia,
  • Ethiopia,
  • Georgia,
  • Moldova,
  • Ukraine,
  • and Zambia.

The scholarships are dedicated solely to promoting the studies of foreign nationals from developing and specific third countries. Neither a citizen of the Czech Republic, nor a citizen of the European Union, nor any other foreign national with a permanent residence permit in the territory of the Czech Republic may, therefore, apply for a scholarship.

These so-called Government Scholarships are designed to cover the standard length of study:

  • in Follow-up Master study programs plus a one-year-long preparatory course in the Czech language (which is combined with other field-specific training). Government scholarships of this category are awarded to graduates of Bachelor’s degree programs. They can enroll only in study programs from the selected areas of study in which instruction is given in the Czech language. Depending on the subject area, applicants are normally required to sit entrance examinations at the university concerned. Successful passing of entrance examinations constitutes a precondition for a scholarship award;
  • in follow-up Master’s study programs or Doctoral study programs. Government scholarships of this category are awarded to graduates from Bachelor or Master study programs, respectively, who enroll in study programs with instruction in the English language.

Scholarship Worth

The scholarship covers the necessary costs related to staying and studying in the Czech Republic.

  • Currently, the amount of scholarship paid to students on a follow-up Master’s study program stands at CZK 16,000 per month, whereas the amount paid to students of a Doctoral study program stands at CZK 17,000 per month.
  • Costs of accommodation, food, and public transport are covered by scholarship holders from the scholarship under the same conditions that apply to students who are citizens of the Czech Republic.
  • Travel expenses for traveling to the Czech Republic and back to the student’s home country are paid by the party that nominated the student to study in the Czech Republic or by the foreign national at his/her own cost.

How to Apply

Interested candidates are to fill in an electronic application form.

The successful applicant starts studying in the academic year 2024/2025.

Detailed information on the terms and conditions of scholarship awards is provided in the binding « Guidelines for Granting Scholarships of the Government of the Czech Republic », issued in Czech and English:



For More Information Visit the Official Website

Application Deadline

All applications must be submitted on or before 30 September 2023.

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