How to check your name on the 2017 Nigerian Navy DSSC 25th List of shortlisted candidates for Aptitude test and date

Nigerian Navy DSSC 25 List of shortlisted candidates is out- Congratulations to all those who made it to this stage of the Nigerian Navy DSSC 25th, we are glad to inform you that the list of shortlisted candidates for the DSSC 25th recruitment is out.

This article as the caption, will guide you on how to check your name on the Nigerian Navy DSSC 25 List of shortlisted candidates. Ensure you adhere to the instructions on how to check the 2017 Nigerian Navy DSSC 25 List.

How to check your name on the list

Checking your name on the list is easy and simple if only you will follow the procedures listed below

Procedure 1: CLICK HERE to download the list to your mobile device or computer. Ensure your device has PDF reader, which will enable you to view the list properly

Procedure 2: After downloading the list, use the search box to find your name on the list or press CTRL F on your computer device keyboard to bring your the search box.

Procedure 3: Type in your name on the box and click enter. Continue to click enter till you see your name or a box will appear with instruction written on it.


All shortlisted a will undertake an aptitude test nationwide for the finally selection into the Nigerian Navy DSSC 25th programme.

Aptitude test Date: 2nd December, 2017

Aptitude test Time: 7:30am

Aptitudes test Venue: All shortlisted candidates for DSSC 25 aptitude test scheduled to hold in 8 centres across the nation. Ensure you write down the centre where your name appears on the list

The Abuja and Lagos aptitudes test centres are divided into two (2)different centres, therefore, applicants are to take note of the centre where their names appeared and endeavour to confirm it and proceed to such centre

Only those on a centres list would be allowed into the centre for the test.

Nigerian Navy DSSC 25 Aptitude Test Requirements

  • A copy of Parents/Guardian Consent Form.
  • A copy of Local Government Attestation Card.
  • A copy of Acknowledgment Form.
  • Photocopies of your certificates including NYSC Discharge Certificate.
  • A writing materials like 2B pencil, eraser and sharpener only

Shortlisted candidates should take note notice

  • All candidates should note that handsets or any form of communication device are prohibited from the examination halls.
  • Lateness to examination hall will not be tolerated.

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5 thoughts on “How to check your name on the 2017 Nigerian Navy DSSC 25th List of shortlisted candidates for Aptitude test and date”

  1. please when did Nigerian navy open their portal, I want to apply them and joining them as I am a solider of my country please

    1. They have not open portal for another registration, we will inform immediately the portal i open for application. Always visit our site and subcribe for free to our blog for instant notifications

  2. I’m going for service this year May, can I still apply for DSSC, or I’m to wait till I finish service next year.

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