Portal – CDCFIB Recruitment Portal Login 2023 – NIS Recruitment Portal

Civil Defence, Correctional, Fire and Immigration Services Board (CDCFIB) Recruitment Portal into the Nigeria Immigration Service 2023/2024  – NIS login Portal 2023 | NIS Portal Login 2023 | Nigeria Immigration Service login 2023 – CDFIPB login cdfipb career login –  The Civil Defence, Correctional, Fire and Immigration Services Board (CDCFIB) is inviting applications from suitably qualified candidates for full time appointment to fill existing vacancies in the following positions in the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS).

This article will give you the official nis recruitment registration link for the 2023 immigration service recruitment exercise nationwide

NIS login Portal – Login

Remember that the CDCFIB which comprises of The Civil Defence, Correctional, Fire and Immigration Services Board has official open the portal for the new intake into the service and urge Nigerians to take advantage of the opportunity.

Vacant Position on Login

1. Category A: SUPERINTENDENT CADRE: Degree holders with NYSC Discharge certificates

2. Category B: INSPECTORATE CADRE: Nursing, ND, and NCE holders

3. Category C: ASSISTANT CADRE: Ordinary Level SSCE, or its equivalents and appropriate Trade Test Certificate.

CLICK HERE FOR MORE Portal 2023 NIS Recruitment Exercise

The NIS recruitment portal is now open for registration, how to apply and other steps will be given to in this article.

Nis portal is open and only applicants with the below requirements can complete the nis online registration form 2023. They include;

  • Applicants must be Nigerians by birth;
  • Have National Identity Number;
  • Applicants must be holders of the requisite qualifications and certificates;
  • Applicants must be fit and present certificates of medical fitness from Government recognized hospitals;
  • Applicants must be of good character and must not have been convicted of any criminal offences;
  • Be required to pass drug test;
  • Applicants must not be financially embarrassed;
  • Applicants must be between ages of 18 and 30 years with exception to Doctors and Pharmacists who must not be more than 35 Years;
  • Applicants’ height must not be less than 1.65m for male and 1.60m for female;
  • Applicants’ chest measurement must not be less than 0.87 for men;
  • Computer literacy will be of added advantage;
  • Any certificate or qualification not declared and accepted during documentation, shall not be accepted after the recruitment;

The NIS form online has a link which all applicants should follow and complete their registration.

Nigerian Immigration Service NIS Recruitment Portal login 2023

Applications should be done online. Candidates are expected to log on to the portal to fill and submit the application form online.

Candidates should NOTE that multiple applications will automatically be disqualified.

NIS Recruitment Deadline /Closing Date 2023

Applications must be submitted online within Two (2) weeks from the date of publication (31st January, 2023)

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