
Call To Prayer (Hymn) by Ebele Light MP3 Download

MP3 DOWNLOAD: Ebele Light – Call To Prayer – Call to Prayer” by Ebele Light is a heartfelt gospel hymn that encourages believers to pray in every situation, seeking God’s guidance, comfort, and strength.

Here’s an amazing song and music lyrics from the passionate gospel worshipper, “Ebele Light“.

Call to Prayer Lyrics by Ebele Light

Pray, oh pilgrim, pray,
Oh lonely traveler, vehicle of adjustment,
Strangers and exiles here on earth,
Follow the footprints,
Go where the witnesses have gone,
Your God is before you, El Shaddai, He leads you on.

Pray in weakness, pray,
When flesh and friends may fail,
When misery bends you low,
And groaning becomes your melody,
Remember the garden,
Where your Savior travailed in agony,
Your God is before you, El Shaddai, He carries thee.

Pray in waiting, pray,
Heaven holds your reign,
In weeping and watching,
In the sorrow of harvest that delays,
Hope is an anchor,
Wait for the laugh of the Lord,
Your God is before you, El Shaddai, He gives you hope.

Pray in battle, pray,
When the ravenous lie in wait,
If hell should surround you,
If legions go knife to do you harm,
The Lord is your fortress,
No weapon formed against you shall prevail,
Your God is before you, El Shaddai, He hides you well.

Pray in victory, pray,
When all the answers come,
When chariots and riders are drowned,
In the triumph of your God,
Praise Him in earnest,
Forsake not the One who did you good,
Your God is before you, El Shaddai, He helps you pray.

Pray, oh pilgrim, pray,
Oh feeble mortal man,
The journey before you,
Takes you on paths you’ve never walked,
So tarry in prayer,
Quench not the voice that bids you come,
Your God is before you, El Shaddai, He calls you home.

Download Call To Prayer by Ebele Light – MP3 Download Call to prayer

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