Bayelsa State Civil Service Commission Recruitment Exam Result & List of Shortlisted Candidates 2018

BYS Civil Service Commission examination result & List of Shortlisted Candidates 2018- If you took part in the 2018 Bayelsa State Civil Service Commission Recruitment examination, then this post is for you. Are you in search of the BYS Civil Service Commission examination result of the written exams for the fresh employment as per discipline?

Search no more as we bring to you the result of the Bayelsa State Civil Service Commission Result.

You can now easy each your name on BYS result list to know your application status.

As you all know, the Bayelsa State Civil Service Commission has, on its website, published the list of successful applicants who sat for its recruitment examination in August, 2018.

This list is comprised of applicants who scored 70% and above. As a result, these applicants are qualified for the next phase of the recruitment exercise.

Remember that the Bayelsa State Governor, Seriake Dickson, in June this year, directed the State’s Civil Service Commission to commence the recruitment exercise of 1000 young graduates across the Local Government Areas of the State.

As such, an entry examination was scheduled and conducted from Tuesday 21 to Thursday, August 23, 2018 for about  12,335 cleared applicants who registered for the job.

You can now check your name on the 2018/2019 Bayelsa State Civil Service Commission Recruitment results of the written exams for the fresh employment as per discipline

How to check your Result the BYS Civil Service Commission examination 2018 and List of shortlisted Candidates

The following candidates have been shortlisted for the next phase of the recruitment exercise into the Bayelsa State Civil Service. To check click on your LGA  to see the full list










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Bayelsa State Civil Service Commission Recruitment Exam Result & List of Shortlisted Candidates 2018-

19 thoughts on “Bayelsa State Civil Service Commission Recruitment Exam Result & List of Shortlisted Candidates 2018”

  1. Korokoro Christian moses

    Why my name is not in the list????
    We should try to be our brothers keeper.
    Do u want me to go and steal with my family????

  2. pls unable to access the site 2 check my name on the resuit of the bys civil servic exam resuit .please notify me immediately the site come live .it currently requisting 4 ussername and password which is not suppose to so i need you assistance thank so much.

  3. Notify me once the bys civil service site comes live again because am unable to check the resuit list through my local govt.pls !!!

  4. kudose to the restoration government, pls i need help to check my name, i have been trying to check my name for the past four days now but they keep telling me to log in

  5. Edum Julius Idumeinye

    Sparkgist,wen u know vry well dat d website z not functioning u keep on saying ”click on ur LGA”is it a fowl play? we bayelsans shld try nd b serious 4a moment.

    1. PLEASE WE SHORTDOWN FOR TECHNICAL REASONS. THANKS FOR LOGIN…. This is not in any way our fault, maybe they are undergoing some maintenance please bear with them.. Thanks

  6. Atamata Ibuindapu,

    As a casual staff with the State NDTV Gbarantoru, my GM and team remove some of our names who have suffered wit the station for over 5years without salary on the employment list and replace it wit there relatives, pls I’m appealing to the civil service commission chairman to look into our suffering and do justice to it, thanks and God bless you,

  7. Robinson Lelegite

    I didn’t see my name here I know i wrote the exam well what is going on? Nembe LGA, index number NE/0089 computer sciences.

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