Apply now for PTDF Oil and Gas Job Massive Recruitment 2018-

PTDF Recruitment 2018- PTDF Oil and Gas accepts applications from suitably qualified candidates for appointment into the position listed below:

Job Title: Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) Professorial Chair in Petroleum Geology

Advert Ref: UNP/SSR.37

Location: Department of Geology, Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Qualifications and Experience

A candidate for this position must be an acclaimed Professor of Geology carrying out frontline research in the following general areas:

  • Petroleum Systems Analysis of Nigeria’s Inland Sedimentary Basins (Dahomey, Anambra, Benue, Borno Basins),
  • Shale gas and other unconventional petroleum resources of Nigeria’s sedimentary basins.
  • Evaluation of Contribution of Cretaceous Source Rocks to Niger Delta Basin Petroleum;
  • Reservoir Characterization of Niger Delta Fields and Rocks Property Models, Onshore to Deep Water.

In addition, the holder of the Professorial Chair should have:

  • Demonstrated evidence of extensive experience of successful practice of teaching and research as adjudged by the profile of his/her curriculum vitae and references from not less than three recognized referees;
  • Carried out research and published extensively in relevant aspects of Petroleum Geoscience;
  • A commitment to work full-time while devoting himself/herself completely to the challenges of academic excellent implicit in the position;
  • The capacity to foster linkages with persons and institutions both nationally and internationally in the pursuit of excellence in knowledge and practice in Geology;
  • Ability to adopt a team approach in research with other persons in the Department/Faculty.

Salary and Conditions of Service

  • As approved by the PTDF, the appointment will be for three years and is renewable for another period of two years subject to adjudged performance.
  • The Chair Occupant will enjoy a competitive salary which is equivalent of a professorial rank in Nigerian University and a top up, plus other attractive enhancement/incentives.
  • The Chair Occupant will be required to give an annual lecture, publish and disseminate research results, and organize major seminar/lectures/symposia.

How to apply

Interested and qualified candidates should forward ten (10) copies of their Curriculum Vitae stating phone numbers, e-mail addresses, age, marital status, qualifications, experience (teaching, research and publications) to:

The Registrar,

University of Nigeria,


Enugu State.


Application Closing Date:

2nd January, 2017.


Note: Candidates are also advised to request their referees to forward confidential report on them to the Registrar.


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