Agbami Scholarship 2020/2021 Application form for Undergraduates is out

This is to inform the general public and all Nigerian students that the 2020 Agbami Scholarship form and application portal is now open to receive applications from suitably qualified applicants.

Requirement for Agbami Scholarship 2020/2021

  1. Applicants must be studying Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Engineering and must be a full-time SECOND YEAR (200 LEVEL) degree students.
  2. All applicants must have gained full time admission into an accredited Nigerian tertiary Institution.
  3. All applicants must be in their SECOND YEAR (i.e admitted on or before 2018/2019 academic session).
  4. All applicants must upload clear scanned copies of all documents to ascertain the genuineness of their claims.
  5. Have a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.5 in a 5-grade system and
  6. Have a minimum of six O-level credits in one sitting.

Agbami Scholarship Document Required:

i. Admission Letter
ii. School Identity Card or Valid means of school identification
iii. Passport Photograph (clear background not older than three months.
iv. Transcript or Result statement duly signed and stamped from school stating previous session CGPA results clearly.
v. WAEC/NECO Result and UTME/DE Result and
vi. UTME/DE Result

Note: Ensure you have all the needed document scanned and ready before continuing to the application page. Also, ensure that each document size does not exceed 300kb and the total size does noes not exceed 1800kb.

Read – NNPC/Chevron Scholarship 2020/2021 is out – Apply Now

How to apply for Agbami Scholarship 2020/2021

To apply, follow the steps below:

1. Visit
2. Click on “Apply Now” then create account.
3. Proceed to your email box to activate your account
4. Enter your registered email and password to login.
5. Enter your personal information, additional information, educational information, other information and upload required scanned documents.
6. Ensure the name used in applications matches the names on all documentation in same order.
7. Ensure you view all documents after uploading, to eliminate errors during uploading.
8. When asked to upload photo, upload a pass-port photograph with a white background.
9. Recheck application information to avoid errors
10.Click Submit Application to submit information
11.You will receive an email that confirms your application was successful.

Note: Multiple applications attract a disqualification penalty

Agbami Scholarship 2020/2021 Closing Date

Application closes midnight of 5th December, 2020. Only Successful candidates will be contacted

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