Npower Build Update- N-Build List of Shortlisted Candidate 2016/2017-

We use this opportunity to announce to you all, that candidates who applied for the NPower 2016 non-graduate scheme under the N-build category that the pre-selection list of shortlisted candidates has just been released.

All applicants for the 2016 N-Build, are hereby advised to check the list so as to know if you have been pre-selected or not. Ensure you read this post as it will unveil details on how to check the list

It will be of your interest to know that the shortlisted name is just the first stage of selection (pre) and has not assured of being employed, a final selection is yet to be done.

After the pre-selection you will be expected to undergo physical verification, you will get more information by clicking here N-Build Physical Verification.

The N-Power Build is an accelerated skill to job training and certification programme slated for 3 months that aims at engaging and training about 75,000 young unemployed Nigerians in order to build a new SET of skilled and highly competent workforce of technicians, artisans and service professionals.

To be successfully shortlisted, you must first meet up to the Npower eligibility that is must be a Nigerian and be between the age of 18-35 years.

How to know if you have being pre-selected

Shortlisted candidates will receive a message (SMS) from NPower stating;

Congratulation YOUR NAME, you have been pre-selected from the 2016 N-power Build Application to partake in the N-power Build skills and competencies training. Before you can attain final selection, you are hereby invited to undergo a Physical Verification exercise at the National Orientation Agency (NOA) office in………between Monday 23rd October and Friday 27th October 2017.

Ensure you keep this text message properly, you will be expected to present it as evidence during your physical verification.

The Npower Build (N-Build) pre-selection list will be released in batches and to check the list you may be required to visit the office of the National orientation agency (NOA) anywhere close to you and hopefully you will start your physical verification process. Ensure you go along with verification documents. Carry all the documents asked for by the officials. FULL LIST OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR N-BUILD PHYSICAL VERIFICATION

To check your names visit-

CLICK HERE- Easy way on how to check Npower Agro list of shortlisted applicants

CLICK HERE- Steps on how to how to check Npower Teach list of shortlisted candidates

CLICK HERE- How to check Npower Health list of shortlisted candidates

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